If you’re stuck on the quest A New Godsway because you’re not sure how to find Ambrosius in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’re not alone. Here’s how to deliver the godsbane weapon.
Dragon’s Dogma 2: How to find Ambrosius in A New Godsway quest
When I came upon this quest I struggled at first to find the exact location of Ambrosius. This game has a knack for not being specific about character locations, such as when you need to find Sven. You can find Ambrosius in Dragon’s Dogma 2 in the basement of the Forbidden Magick Research Lab.

At first, you’ll probably head right where the quest tells you to go, which looks like the Flamebearer Palace Empress’s Chambers. But upon heading inside, there’s no one there, even though the quest marker points to this room. Instead, walk out of this room and head back into the main chamber.

You’ll find the entrance to the basement level of this Research Lab at the northwestern corner of the main chamber. Even though the guard there said this area was off-limits I was allowed to pass by with no fuss. Walk down the spiral pathway until you get to the basement level of the lab.
When you follow the quest marker it’ll take you to the correct room. On the way there you’ll probably pass by two NPCs chatting about the secret letter from Vermund, which will update the quest “A Veil of Gossamer Clouds.” Don’t forget to complete the next step of that quest while you’re here since you have to walk into the room the NPCs are in and find evidence to bring to Sven.

Keep walking and head into Laboratorium Workshop #1. There, you’ll find Ambrosius at a workstation. You can finally hand over the godsbane, which will progress the main questline. He’ll then ask you to bring him Wyrmslife Crystales, which only drop from Drakes, which are lesser Dragons.
Published: Mar 26, 2024 6:09 PM UTC