Most of Fortnite’s weekly challenges are straightforward, but some can be a real pain. If you’re struggling with Week 9’s tasks, let me show you how to eliminate a player within 20 seconds of using EMP Stealth Camo in Fortnite.
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This task is difficult because the Stealth Camo is rare to begin with, and it’s not particularly great in combat. Unfortunately, Stealth Camo spawns seem entirely random. You can find the item as ground loot, although I usually find them in rare blue Treasure Chests.
Once you have the EMP Stealth Camo, it’s time to find a victim. I recommend listening out for extended gunfights if you’re playing in a group. If a fight lasts over a minute, it’s usually a couple of bot teams duking it out. Bots will be your easiest targets, so get as close as possible before turning on your Stealth Camo.
I thought the 20-second time limit would start after deactivating the Camo and triggering the EMP, but that’s not the case. The timer seems to start when you go invisible, so you must get close to your target before vanishing.
Your Camo will immediately stop when you switch weapons. Remember, there’s a short period after your Camo deactivates where you can’t shoot, which will get you killed against decent players.
You need to complete this challenge three times to earn the XP reward, and you can do it across multiple games, so don’t worry if it takes a while.
What guns should I use for the Camo challenge?

The Frenzy Auto Shotgun is a fantastic choice as it kills so fast and doesn’t require the precision of the Pump Shotgun. You’ll have a great time if you find one with an extended magazine, but the regular one with eight rounds is okay.
If you’ve got decent aim, the other option is to stay away and use a Sniper Rifle. You’ll miss out on the EMP effect, but if your target drops in a single shot, who cares?
This challenge is the toughest one in Week 9 and gives 30K EXP when you beat it. Once you find the Camo, pick your battles wisely, and you’ll finish the challenge in no time. If you’re enjoying sneaking around with Stealth Camo, make sure you try the Cardboard Box, too. Check out our guide on how to find and use this Metal Gear Solid classic.
Published: Jan 31, 2024 4:37 PM UTC