Baldur’s Gate 3 lets you do an innumerable amount of things when it comes to building your characters. You can spec into any of the many classes that the game has to offer, and all of them can be seen as a correct choice thanks to the extremely flexible nature of the game. This also extends to the amount of weapons that you can be proficient in and use over the course of the game. I personally started out by using shortswords, but as I continue through the game I’m leaning more towards spears and longer weapons. It’s all thanks to the experimentation that Baldur’s Gate 3 allows the player to do. One of those options for your weapons is to dual-wield them. Here’s our guide on how to dual wield in Baldur’s Gate 3.
How to dual wield in Baldur’s Gate 3
To dual wield in Baldur’s Gate 3, the first thing you’re going to need to do is open your inventory. Once you’re in your inventory, you’re going to want to go to the bottom left of your character where you normally equip your melee weapons, here you can see two slots, if you can dual wield a weapon, you can click on the empty slot and equip a weapon into your off-hand to be able to dual wield it.
After you’ve done this, make sure you’re dual wielding by pressing the button on the UI under your weapons section, or pressing the ‘R’ key on your keyboard. After doing this, you should be dual wielding in Baldur’s Gate 3! This will use both your action and bonus action in a turn, so be aware of that while using dual wielding.
The weapons that you can dual wield are only of certain kinds though, as you can normally only dual wield two ‘light’ weapons. You can also dual wield other weapons that aren’t Heavy Weapons if you have the Dual Wielder Feat, which you can acquire with any class at Level 4. With this knowledge, you should be able to dual-wield in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is available for purchase on Steam.
Published: Aug 6, 2023 5:35 PM UTC