While fighting against one of the many versions of Sephiroth at the end of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, you may be struggling to figure out how to damage his wings. You can’t damage his core very well until you damage the wings, but they seem to be invulnerable to everything.
FF7 Rebirth: How to destroy Sephiroth’s wings
I was struggling with this fight because I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be hitting his wings with. It seemed like everything I was hitting was hitting a brick wall, dealing no damage at all. You can damage Sephiroth’s wings in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth by dealing elemental damage of the opposite element that his wings are attuned to.

What do I mean by this? Well, throughout this part of the fight, his wings will constantly change colors. I didn’t think too hard about this at first, but now I understand that the wings were changing elements. So if you notice the wings to be red, and his wings are dealing a Fire attack of sorts, you know not to use a Fire Materia against him, but use Ice instead. Here are all the proper elements you should be using:
- Fire wings (red): Ice Materia
- Ice wings (blue): Fire Materia
- Lightning wings (yellow): Wind Materia
- Wind wings (green): Lightning Materia
By this point in the game, you should know that typically these elements are good against each other. Now that you know this, use the correct spell and target the wings to damage them. They can change quite often, so make sure you’re keeping an eye on which element they’re attuned to at all times.
You can also use Yuffie‘s elemental ninjutsu to hit all four elements on Sephiroth’s wings if you don’t have the proper Materia between Yuffie, Barret, and Red XIII. Just remember to switch the element often.

Once you destroy the wings, you’re good to hit the core. Before I figured out how to break the wings, I thought the core was what I should hit first. That was until I noticed I was dealing only around one to three points of damage anytime I hit the core. The core is vulnerable now with the wings gone, which will lead you to victory once destroyed as well.
Hopefully, the rest of your Sephiroth fight goes well, and you can beat the game once and for all! After beating the game and returning to chapter selection, you may be interested in checking out all missable quests and items before you stop playing FF7 Rebirth for good.
Published: Mar 14, 2024 3:33 PM UTC