A Wood Spear is one of the first actual tools you’ll make in The Front. It’s going to be your primary line of defense against rabbits, foxes, and any other cuddly yet deadly creature lurking in the world. Obviously, you’ll want to swap it out for something a little more robust down the line. But for now, let’s go through how you can craft a Wood Spear for yourself in The Front.
The Front: How to craft a Wood Spear
The Wood Spear is a bit of a mystery when you first boot into the game as it doesn’t show up in your crafting menu right away. Luckily, this is easily solved by opening up the menu and navigating to the Tech tab. Then you’ll want to select the Weapons category in the menu below to see all the weapons you can craft. Our Wood Spear is right next to the Stone Axe node, so just click on it to unlock the recipe. Once you’ve done that, you can head back to the crafting menu and make your new Wood Spear.

To finally make our spear, just select it in the left window of the Crafting menu. It requires 4 stones, 2 wood, and 3 fiber. And then when you click on Craft, it’ll take a few seconds for it to show up in your inventory. Afterward, you’ll have your very first Wood Spear in The Front. Again, this is best used to hunt small prey for food. So don’t try and use it to take on deadlier enemies throughout the world. For that, you’ll want to use more robust weaponry. This is a bit of a clunky system undoubtedly, so don’t feel bad if you didn’t find this on your own. This is how crafting in its entirety works in The Front, though, so you should be well-equipped to make whatever you want.
The Front is now available in early access on Steam.
Published: Oct 11, 2023 2:50 PM UTC