Quests in Fortnite range from simple to intricate and confusing. If you’re struggling with the Week 2 tasks, Fear not; here’s how to complete a thorough investigation of Brutus in Fortnite.
How to thoroughly investigate Brutas in Fortnite Chapter 5, Season 2
The investigation is a three-part quest. Each step can be tricky if you’re unfamiliar with the map or other players are around, so here’s how to complete each one quickly:
Purchase from Midas Vending Machines or Service Stations

Midas Vending Machines aren’t marked on the map and spawn in different locations each match. I’ve found one in the building near the tower in Fencing Fields. You can also find them in Pleasant Piazza and Restored Reels, but as their spawns are random, it’s best to let this one happen naturally.
If you visit the machine in Fencing Fields, it sells Rifts, weapon upgrades and can heal you. The healing service is cheap, so I recommend jumping off the top of nearby trees to take ‘fall damage.’ It sounds silly, but you can’t use the healing service at full health, and this is the safest way to damage yourself.
Hire Specialists in 3 different matches

This task is pretty straightforward. You can hire NPCs in any of the locations marked on the map above. However, you must do this in three separate matches, so hiring multiple NPCs in a single game won’t work. Fortunately, hired help is great in a fight, so these Specialists are worth pursuing.
Scan the Marigold for recording devices

The Marigold is the ship to the far west of the map, and the recording device you’re after is on the lower level next to the vault (pictured above).

The ship’s layout is unintuitive, so I like to head to the back and pass through the vents (pictured above). Follow the vents and interact with the device’s white silhouette to tick this task off your list.
Can I hire Brutas in Fortnite?
You can find Brutus around Pleasant Piazza, and while you can’t hire him, he sells arguably the best item out of every NPC. You can buy an Epic Frenzy Auto Shotgun for 300 Gold Bars. This trade is an absolute bargain, as the Frenzy Auto Shotgun is the best close-range weapon in the game. The new Gatekeeper Shotgun may do more damage per shot, but it has a tiny magazine, and you can lose the fight if you miss your target even once.
With the Frenzy Auto Shotgun, you can hold down the trigger and let the weapon do the rest. The Epic variant is fine out of the box, but if you want to mod it, I recommend a Drum Mag, Laser, and Muzzle Break.
Should I visit any other NPCs in Fortnite?
You can only buy the Epic Frenzy Auto Shotgun from Brutus, but the other NPCs are still worth visiting. Many NPCs are hireable and can be the deciding factor in close fights. If your weapon situation is handled, I recommend visiting Marigold or Skye, as they both sell Icarus Wings for unrivaled movement.
Published: Mar 20, 2024 4:03 PM UTC