The brand new Palworld update is finally here. Not only are we introduced to the brand-new Bellanoir Raid, but there are new items, passives, and even Technologies to unlock and use. And since we’re talking about technology, here is how to build the Ore Mining Site and Electric Egg Incubator in Palworld.
Palworld: How to build Ore Mining Site
Let’s start with the easier piece of Ancient Technology out of the two – and by a landslide. The Ore Mining Site, just as you might suspect, will help you out in your Ore farming ventures. So long the days of mining Ore in the wild and doing countless math calculations to be able to carry it in your logic-defying bag. To get the Ore Mining Site, you will have to unlock it by using Ancient Technology Points at the Technology tab after you reach level 15.

Those Ancient Technology Points will be the hardest element you will need to find to make this whole construct work. Defeat Alpha Pals, Syndicate Tower bosses, or even Dungeon Bosses to get these. Once you do, build your Ore Mining Site by collecting the following resources which will be significantly easier to get:
Ore Mining Site Materials in Palworld
- 50x Stone: Pick these from the ground or use a Pickaxe to mine them.
- 25x Ingot: Process Ore at a Primitive Furnace (unlocked at level 10).
- 20x Paldium Fragment: Mine it from Stone or Paldium formations or use the Crusher (unlocked at level 8) to convert Stone to Paldium Fragments.

Palworld: How to build Electric Egg Incubator
Now, unto the spicy stuff. The Electric Egg Incubator, contrary to what its name may suggest, is not a specialized incubator for Electric Eggs. It is, in fact, an Egg Incubator that uses electricity to operate, changing its temperature automatically to appropriately accompany the Pal Egg in its journey to hatching. Sounds good, right? Well, if you are just starting your Pal journey, I have some bad news for you: it unlocks at level 36.

It is considered a mid-game to end-game piece of Technology and, in contrast to the Ore Mining Site, Ancient Technology Points are the easiest to find in comparison to the other recipe items. You see, out of the four materials in its blueprint, two of them (Refined Ingot and Circuit Board) will require Technology constructs that are enhanced versions of their base counterparts, which will require you to get a lot of other materials. We will not get into detail about all the things you will need to collect, so we will focus on the main resources for the Electric Egg Incubator:
Electric Egg Incubator Materials in Palworld
- 50x Refined Ingot: Process Ore and Coal at an Improved Furnace (unlocked at level 34).
- 15x Circuit Board: Unlocked at level 35, get Circuit Boards by processing Pure Quartz and Polymer at a Production Assembly Line (unlocked at level 28).
- 10x Ancient Civilization Parts: Dropped from Alpha Pals and Dungeon Bosses.
- 5x Ancient Civilization Core: You can get these by summoning and defeating Raid Bosses.
You will probably want to level up a bit before even considering getting the Ore Mining Site and especially the Electric Egg Incubator in Palworld. This last one is probably a luxury item you might not need in the end, but that’s up to you. Be sure to check out the brand-new items introduced to Palworld like the Ability Glasses or the Homeward Thundercloud. I bet those will come in handy as well!
Published: Apr 5, 2024 4:06 AM UTC