The Rebel Workbench is your key into all of the new and awesome Star Wars gear in LEGO Fortnite. But you’ll have to build it first.
How to unlock and build the Rebel Workbench in LEGO Fortnite
When you start LEGO Fortnite, you may notice that you won’t be able to build the Rebel Workbench right away. Like other structures, you’ll need to unlock it first.

Upon obtaining a Plastoid, you’ll notice that the recipe will unlock, and going into the build menu, you’ll see it in the bottom right. The Rebel Workbench requires eight Plastoid and five Wood, meaning it’s relatively simple to make, and you don’t need to advance too far to get it.
Like other structures, you’ll need to place it under some cover, so make sure you’ve got room for it.
Building the Rebel Workbench will also complete a quest in the “Try Rebel Adventure” quest pack, which is a neat bonus.
However, you may not at all be familiar with how to get Plastoid in LEGO Fortnite, which is what you’ll need.
How to get Plastoid in LEGO Fortnite
Platoid is an exclusive drop from the new Star Wars enemies you’ll be facing: The Empire. The Empire’s stormtroopers. These enemies will spawn in Empire Outposts that can be found out by the Macrobinoculars. Be prepared for a fight when you enter them!
They’ll also attack the Rebel Outpost.

They may spawn in random groups across your world, but I have yet to find them that way.
They can be equipped with an assortment of weapons, although some may have blasters, which are especially deadly! I’d recommend facing off against them at least with uncommon weaponry and a Health Charm. They don’t hit too hard, but they have a lot of health.
Upon death, they’ll drop two to four Plastoid. So you’ll need to kill a few of them to get enough Plastoid for the Rebel Workbench.
Also, you may find Plastoid in chests. I have yet to find any in chests outside of the Rebel Bases (that you can use the Macrobinoculars to find), but it’s still worth a search should you run into any. Note that you likely won’t find enough to craft the Rebel Workbase, so you may still need to do battle with the Imperials.
With your Rebel Workbench crafted, you can now craft some incredible and powerful gear to help the Rebel Alliance in Fortnite LEGO Star Wars, such as the Macrobinoculars.
Published: May 3, 2024 1:37 PM UTC