Type Soul offers three different paths to take in the Bleach-inspired anime game. Each path has its own goals, battles, and areas in which to enjoy the game. The first two, Quincy and Soul Reaper, are the easier paths to take, but if you want a challenge, you can become a Hollow. These characters require souls to progress and become their final form as a Vastolorde or Vastocar. The first stages of being Hollow are simple, but later you will be faced with the option to become an Arrancar in Type Soul; here’s how it’s done.
How to Become Arrancar in Type Soul
To become a Hollow in the first place, you will need to have a fresh character. Once you have spawned into the game, you must find a way to die. This isn’t too hard, simply look for enemies or ask another player to do the honors. Once you have died and respawned as a Lost Soul, you are ready to become an Arrancar in Type Soul.
- Once you have respawned, you need to press CTRL + K to become a Hollow. Bear in mind this is irreversible, and you’ll be locked in as this character type.
- Once you have become a Hollow, it is time to start gobbling up souls. This can be done on the server you are transported to.
- In the Hueco Mundo server, you need to begin killing Hollow until you reach the Menos stage. This is signified by your eyes turning from yellow to red.
- Killing enemies and Hollows will allow you to consume them with D. This will push you toward the next stage.
- Once you have reached the level of Menos, you can choose to rip off your mask. This will turn you into the weakest form or Arrancar in Type Soul.
- You can now progress on the path to becoming the strongest Type Soul Arrancar.
Published: Jul 6, 2023 6:40 PM UTC