Orin the Red is one of the three main villains in Baldur’s Gate 3. She’s a shapeshifting evil Bhaal worshipper who plans to have full control over the Elder Brain. You can make a deal with Orin to fight to the death for the chance to take the Elder Brain. She also takes someone from your camp hostage, which enacts the ‘Rescue Orin’s Victim‘ quest. But once you get to the fight, how exactly do you beat Orin in Baldur’s Gate 3? Let me explain the best strategies to tackle this difficult boss fight.
Baldur’s Gate 3: Orin the Red boss fight guide
Since Orin is one a few villains you can take down near the end of Baldur’s Gate 3, she has many tricks up her sleeve. This fight not only has her transform into a retched monster, but she has a nasty protection. How you beat Orin in Baldur’s Gate 3 is by breaking down her Unstoppable buffs, and laying out as many attacks as you can in one turn.

Orin the Red’s gimmick
Orin’s entire gimmick this fight is her ‘Boon of Bhaal‘ buff that gives her seven Unstoppable barriers at the end of every round. Essentially, if you have one Unstoppable condition, it reduces all attacks to one damage. This is incredibly frustrating when she has seven of them, and she’ll keep getting back up to seven every round.
The good thing is that once she’s hit with one attack, it consumes one Unstoppable charge. So before the round ends, you’re aiming to hit her with enough attacks to actually do damage. But how can you even do this with the limited amount of party members you have?
How to defeat Orin and the cultists in BG3
I recommend focusing all attacks on Orin to get rid of her first. Try to craft some Potions of Speed, so your party members have more than one action in a turn. There are also certain characters, depending on their class, that can attack multiple times in one turn. For example, both Karlach and Lae’zel are great, as Lae’zel by this point has a few extra attacks, and can even Action Surge. Karlach can usually hit more than once as well, especially with her Rage ability.

There are also plenty of spells that hit multiple times in one go. For example, Magic Missile can dish out plenty of hits in one cast, especially when cast at higher levels. Each missile takes down one Unstoppable. I recommend bringing along Gale if you have him, since he had this spell in my game. Or you can go for Scorching Ray, which can deal three hits in one go. Spells like this will deplete her Unstoppable very fast.
Break down her Unstoppable buff, and then dish out your strongest spells and attacks on her. Eventually, you’ll be able to get her to zero health, even with those annoying Unstoppable buffs. Then, you can get rid of the rest of her crew, and save the hostage as well!
Other Baldur’s Gate 3 articles
Baldur’s Gate 3 is available on Steam and the PlayStation 5.
Published: Oct 17, 2023 3:39 PM UTC