She’s big, she’s ugly, and she doesn’t like you very much. Mother mind in Remnant 2 is a force to be reckoned with, and she takes some beating. You’re going to have to be very aware of your surroundings as you edge your way around her ledged arena. The fight is an optional boss, but the rewards, as usual, are worth it. You can blast through this one, provided you have the nimbleness required, but don’t rush. Mistakes will cost you dearly.
How to Defeat Mother Mind in Remnant 2
In Yaesha, you will probably come across the nameless Nest eventually. Of course, this is dependent on your roll in the campaign. The game is always different, and some things turn up while others don’t. Mother Mind is the final boss here in the Remnant 2 region. Once you enter through the misty gate into her domain, you will notice a few things. Number one, there is a massive hole in the ground, number two, there is a huge monster rising out of the middle of it. Stick to the ledges around the arena, and start emptying your clips.
The red spot in the middle of her face, along with the two on her shoulders, are the weak points. Do what you can and start drilling at these. She will soon come at you with three attacks.
Mother Minds Attacks
- Dragging Claws – Mother mind will hammer down into the platform you are on, once or twice. As she slams into the surface, she will drag back. Simply roll out of the way of these ones before opening up again.
- Spinning Claws – She will spin with her claws. It is possible to roll through the first rotation, but you will be caught with the second. I found that pressing into the back wall or running down a level helped me avoid this one.
- Platform Smash – This is a big one and will completely obliterate the platform you are standing on. It is performed every quarter of Mother Minds’ health loss. The telegraph is long, do not be tempted to continue shooting while Mother Mind winds up. She becomes resistant, and your bullets do nothing. Focus on getting to another platform in Remnant 2.
- Acid – From the two red spots on her shoulders, she will fire red acid at you. This causes burning. Avoid it, and stay aware of where it is. Even rolling through it will hurt.
- Minions – Exactly what it sounds like. Little versions of her come for you. These are super easy to kill, and they fly right in front of her. Any bullets you miss on them will be buried right into her.
My method for killing Mother Mind in Remnant 2 was to plug away at weak spots at every moment I could. The only time I stopped was with the build-up for the Platform Smash. I used this time to reload, move platforms, and pick up ammo along the way.
Rewards for killing Mother Mind
As a reward for taking down this monstrosity, you will receive a Lumenite Crystal, Tome of Knowledge, Scrap, and a Cordyceps Gland. The Gland can be used to create the Remnant 2 Tremor mod.
Published: Aug 7, 2023 6:45 PM UTC