There aren’t too many humans in Baldur’s Gate 3, and most of the ones that you’ll encounter on your journey will only be background characters — if that at all. Lorroakan is slightly more prominent than most others, and he’s a sorcerer to boot! You may encounter this wizard on the second floor of Sorcerous Sundries, in the Lower City, after you arrive there by teleporting through portals. Depending on how you are playing the game and who your character is, you may be able to ally with Lorroakan. Alternatively, you can choose to engage the man in battle and try to take him down. However, be warned, as he is a strong opponent and you will need all of your wits about you should you choose to take him on. Stagger lock won’t work, Lorroakan can’t be pushed, and he is very quick to launch counterattacks on your party. Luckily for you, we’ve created a full guide on how you can defeat Lorroakan in battle!
Use Nightsong to Distract the Myrmidons and Lorroakan
The first way that you can attempt to take down Lorroakan is to recruit Nightsong before you begin your battle. This means that you will have had to not kill her when you were given the chance — saving her is the only way to keep her as an ally, obviously. When the fight against Lorroakan starts, you should try to take him and the Air Myrmidon down first. There are other Myrmidon to handle as well, but the Air version is the most tricky since they have some very strong spells. Be especially wary of their Area of Effect silences, and watch out for surprise attacks from flanking enemies.
Make sure that you’re healing Nightsong throughout the fight so that she can continue to act as a damage sponge and distraction, while you hard-target Lorroakan and the Air Myrmidon. We recommend that you use AOE spells yourself to deal with your enemies, or items like bows and crossbows. Try to select arrows that will deal double damage to humanoids, as Lorroakan the human is an enemy with plenty of health.
Visit the Tome-Seller in the Tower
Another sneakier way to defeat Lorroakan is to visit the tome-seller in the tower. This vendor is selling a scroll of disintegration, and buying it will give you a powerful weapon to use in the fight against Lorroakan and his Myrmidons. Why? Well, because the scroll does anywhere from 50 to 100 damage in a single hit. Lorroakan’s max HP is 68, and so you can quickly kill him in a single hit if you’re lucky and everything works out well. This is made even easier if you are already at level 11, as you can have Gale choose disintegration as soon as he levels up.
How Can You Reduce Lorroakan’s Devastating Damage?
It’s true that the sorcerer is very strong, especially at the stage of the game that you’ll encounter him. Many players have been calling for the fight to be nerfed, specifically because of how much damage Lorroakan can put out in a single hit. However, there is a way that you can work to reduce the punch he packs. Lorroakan’s reaction damage changes depending on how many elementals he has left, and eliminating them helps to reduce it. If you’re having trouble taking on Lorroakan head-on, defeat the elementals using whatever attacks you can muster, and then focus on the wizard. Just make sure to watch out for the ice that the water elemental drops — you don’t want to slip up!
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Published: Oct 2, 2023 9:29 PM UTC