Knuckle Sandwich has an incredible cast of characters, but one of my favorites has to be Brightside. It’s a shame that he has such an immeasurable health pool, however.
When facing off against Brightside, you may be intimidated by his health bar, as I was, but don’t worry, you can still beat him.
How to prepare for Brightside in Knuckle Sandwich
Considering Brightside acts like a boss, given the unique battle and high health pool, it may seem wise to prepare and get a load of items before you go back to face him. Do not do this. Trust me, you won’t want to spend any items during the fight. I won’t say why, but trust me when I say this: Brightside is not worth even one healing item. Don’t even go and grind enemies to level up some more.

This is because the fight that will ensue won’t actually last until you’ve defeated him. Rest assured, Brightside is not sticking around for a fight-to-the-death. So just outlast him, and you’ll be grand and grateful that you didn’t use an item during your tussle.
Brightside’s Smooth Moves in Knuckle Sandwich
Fighting Brightside in Knuckle Sandwich is amusing, as you will be experiencing his first proper fight. His scramble for a good attack will take him all over the place, bringing you through just over fifteen rounds of his nonsense. Your job is to survive them all.
Brightside’s first two attacks will consist of regular attacks. Simply dodging after the signal is needed here. For the first attack, he won’t warn you (because he is totally unhinged) so you’ll have to trust your gut. After the first few attempts your sixth sense for this should be developed.
The rest of his attacks will take place in the minigame format. For starters, he will try to chase you in a mini field. These attacks are very easy to avoid, although be careful for his second iteration, where he’ll shoot arrows at you. Simply moving around will keep him off your tail.

At certain intervals, Brightside will want to think. You can simply keep attacking him raising your defence during those turns.
In his next attacks, he’ll be getting creative. The so-called Jank Attack is simply rock, paper, scissors, and it’ll play the same. Be careful, as he will switch his pick once you’ve settled on one. For an easier time, try to keep on the same one he chooses to keep pulling draws, where no one gets hurt.
The next attack type is honestly one of the worst in his arsenal, where you have to count how many Brightsides are on screen. They will be moving and they will be different colors to confuse you. If a Brightside moves off-screen, then they will appear on the other side, so don’t count that Brightside as two; its just the one.
Hilariously, he will try to pull out the slot machines. You may or may not win here, it’s pure luck. So stop each lane and see if you get lucky.
In a desperate attempt, Brightside will pull out someone else’s attack next, and it could be any random attack. So I hope you’ve had plenty of practice!

The final attack type he will create is called Bang Bang, where in he throws bombs at you. These are pretty damaging, so you’ll have to be very careful. I personally found circling the arena to be the best way to avoid these bombs.
Once you’ve encountered the Bang Bang attacks, you’ve only got a few rounds left before the fight is finished, and Brightside runs away.
Beating Brightside in Knuckle Sandwich
Whilst fighting Brightside, you’ll notice that your attacks scarcely any damage, and that evading his own attacks deals more damage to him. This is because you’re not really supposed to beat him, but humor him.
I can’t say for certain, for I haven’t confirmed this, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you could simply miss all of your shots and wait for Brightside to run away. I would recommend fighting him every time, however, even if it just means extra practice on those combo attacks, which is always handy.
All you will have to be concerned about it dodging his attacks until he gets fed up, which is why I don’t advise the use of any items or skills.
I hope this has given you some relief, and that you’ll be able to dominate the most fearsome criminal you’ve ever laid your eyes on.
Other Knuckle Sandwich guides.
Published: Nov 22, 2023 10:00 PM UTC