Fortnite challenges are usually pretty straightforward, but a few are rather obtuse. With this in mind, let me explain what Accolades are in Fortnite and how to acquire 10 of them.
What are Accolades in Fortnite?
Accolades are like mini feats or accomplishments you can obtain through regular gameplay. If you’re reading this guide, you’re likely trying to get 10 Accolades for the Fortnite Reload challenge. You’ll complete the challenge just by playing the game, but you can also plan ahead by checking the Accolade list.

If you want to view Accolades, scroll to the Quests section of the main menu and choose Collections at the top. You can check the map, any characters, and the Accolade menu from here.
There are well over 100 Accolades to unlock, and each one gives 1,000 XP when you earn them for the first time. Honestly, 1,000 XP is a paltry amount, but it’s better than nothing.
Make sure you don’t mistake Accolades for Wastelander Challenges. The latter are much harder to obtain and are optional.
How to quickly get Accolades in Fortnite
As there are so many different Accolades, you’ll usually earn them by accident. That said, if you want to min-max, you can get all of them within a couple of games. I won’t list every Accolade here, but here’s a list of quick and easy ones to shoot for:
- Adventure Buddies – Be the first player to hire a character.
- Assault Specialist – Score 500 damage with Assault Rifles in a single match.
- Shotgun Specialist – Score 500 damage with Shotguns in a single match.
- Speed Bump – Hit a player with a vehicle.
- Single Digit – Score five Eliminations in a single match.
- Survivor – Survive until 50 players are remaining.
- Light Breeze – 100 Storm damage survived in a match.
- Loot Collector – Search five chests in a game.
- Demolition Specialist – Destroy 50 structures in a single game.
There’s a Specialist Accolade tied to every weapon type, so if you stick with a single gun, you’ll earn one eventually. That said, Assault Rifles and Shotguns are pretty strong right now, so 500 damage should be easy.
I find Shotguns are unbeatable up close, so I recommend grabbing one at the start of the match to earn the matching Accolade quickly.
Loot Collector is arguably the easiest Accolade in the game, as you can land somewhere remote and loot five chests to get it. Adventure Buddies is another simple Accolade to earn, as you can land on a hireable NPC the moment you start a game.
Published: Jun 23, 2024 12:55 pm