There are several bearings in House of Ashes. One of these is called Until Death, and it involves Rachel and Eric’s relationship. Here’s our House of Ashes Until Death bearing guide to help you with important choices and how to get the Little Hope scene.
Note: For more information, check out our guides and features hub for The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes. Likewise, you can take a look at our full Theatrical Cut walkthrough, as well as our main guide for all the other bearings in the game. Lastly, please be reminded that this guide contains spoilers.
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes Until Death bearing guide – Rachel, Eric, and Little Hope
Until Death bearing and the Rachel-Eric romance
I was able to watch the Little Hope scene in House of Ashes because of the decisions related to the Until Death bearing. That’s my best guess because other attempts led me to a different cutscene instead.
- Choose sympathetic/romantic responses as Eric and Rachel.
- Rachel should admit that she’s seeing someone else (Nick).
- Eric can cut the rope during Breaking Up. But, Rachel should still be understanding during The Assault.
- Eric and Rachel need to stay alive until after the events of The Horror.
Little Hope‘s diner scene
After The Horror – Enemy of my Enemy, the scene will show the diner in Little Hope. It’s three years before the events of House of Ashes, and the couple have just gotten married. Someone in the diner told Rachel that she “will never be any happier than she is now.” My guess is that this is Vince, seeing a loving couple and reminiscing about his long-lost love, Tanya.
Rachel and Eric then drive to the highway. Suddenly, a truck sideswipes their car. This is the accident that caused Eric’s foot to be amputated.
Note: This flashback takes place in 2000. Meanwhile, Little Hope‘s prologue takes place in 1972, and the campaign is set in 2020. As such, the accident involving Eric and Rachel isn’t the same one that caused the bus driver to head to Little Hope.
Next, in The Ancient One chapter, Rachel, Eric, and Nick will encounter Balathu. Eric can decide to help Rachel’s new flame.
Afterward, the three will finally clear the air. As Eric, choose the “loving” reply. Rachel will end her relationship with Nick to be with Eric once more.
Camp Slayer scene
There’s a different scene if you didn’t get the Little Hope sequence. It takes place three weeks before House of Ashes, and it shows how Rachel and Nick started seeing each other. I got this by:
- Choosing meaner replies as Eric and Rachel.
- Ensuring that Eric and/or Rachel died before the conclusion of The Horror chapter.
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes is available via Steam. For more information, check out our guides and features hub.
Published: Oct 21, 2021 6:30 PM UTC