Honkai: Star Rail features some quests you can complete in around a minute. It also presents missions that require a more substantial investment. Here is our guide on where to find the Seven Errors of Cycranes in Honkai: Star Rail, a very involved endeavor.
Note: We’ll have a Honkai: Star Rail guides and features hub soon, so stay tuned.
Where to find the Seven Errors of Cycranes in Honkai Star Rail
Seven Errors of Cycranes is one of the more complex quests you’ll encounter up to the point when it becomes accessible. It’s easy to miss if you don’t pay close attention to your surroundings while exploring The Xianzhou Luofu, as well.
To find the Seven Errors of Cycranes, accept a mission from Ziqiao and reunite her with her seven missing delivery birds. You begin by finding the first of those birds and then speaking to the postal worker to learn that others are missing. Check our guide on where to find Ziqiao, if you haven’t yet met her and need detailed assistance. She works near the northwest corner of Central Starskiff Haven.
As noted above, you must start by finding a particular bird. The Depressed Cycrane is located along a rail near the northeast corner of Central Starskiff Haven. Talk to it and it will return to Ziqiao. You can head due west along the map to reach her and talk about the bird you found. You will unlock The Seven Errors of Cycranes: Sloth achievement. She charges you with finding six more birds. You can tend to them in any order. You receive Stellar Jade (5) and Strales (10) each time you locate a cycrane.
Dissatisfied Cycrane (Gluttony)
Fast travel to the Starskiff Jetty space anchor in Central Starskiff Haven. Head east along the walkway, past the singing NPC, then veer right and descend some stairs. There is a grocery stand with cycranes displayed in front of it. Talk to Dissatisfied Cycrane until you cause it to move about and start flying. Some extended dialog follows, regarding a bet it made with Salesby. Proceed through that and finally, the bird will fly back to Heron Express. You unlock The Seven Errors of Cycranes: Gluttony achievement.
Resentful Cycrane (Envy)
You need to pay close attention to find this one. First, fast travel to the Earthrise Agora space anchor in Central Starskiff Haven. From there, head just about due east to find Resentful Cycrane perched near a treasure chest at the edge of a balcony. Talk to the bird and accept its challenge. Now you need to find it again after it hides. You receive the Logistic Navigation Map mission item.
The map indicates you should search the area near your present location. However, you’re safe ignoring that information. Instead, travel southwest. Pass through the gate with the guard and follow the rocks across the pond. After emerging through the gate on the far side of that park, look quickly to your right. You’ll find the bird sitting along the base of the wall. Talk to it to unlock The Seven Errors of Cycranes: Envy achievement.
Cycrane with the moniker ‘Stonker’ (Pride)
Head to the Exalting Sanctum area next. Start from the Court of Tranquility space anchor and travel north to find the bird sitting on a railing near a wooden bridge. It has attracted attention from some dancing children. Talk to the Cycrane with the moniker ‘Stonker’ and the kids. You have a few dialog options here. I expressed my intent to make a scene, but the actual response doesn’t seem to matter. Soon, the kids will present you with a bonus question from their homework. The correct answer is ‘5 strales!‘ Provide that answer and unlock The Seven Errors of Cycranes: Pride achievement.
Cycrane with the moniker ‘Evil Dragon’ (Greed)
Fast travel to the Trove of Verdure space anchor on the Cloudford map. Travel to the point indicated on the map above. It requires a bit of a hike. You have to start by heading northwest, then working your way around. There are a lot of enemies patrolling along the way. Talk to Cycrane with the moniker ‘Evil Dragon’ for a good long while and it will finally ask you to repair it. Doing so requires you to solve a puzzle.
To solve the puzzle:
- Select the left point and rotate it clockwise twice.
- Select the right point and rotate it clockwise once.
- Select the left point again and rotate it counter-clockwise once.
- Select the right point and rotate it counter-clockwise twice.
- Select the left point and rote it clockwise once.
This solves the puzzle. Tell the bird to return to Heron Express. You unlock The Seven Errors of Cycranes: Greed achievement.
Brave Cycrane (Wrath)
Fast travel to the Ship Nursery – The Burgeoning space anchor on the Stargazer Navalia map. There, descend the steps along the side of the platform. Follow its base around to reach the Brave Cycrane, which is positioned next to an enemy. After conversation, you face the enemy mob. It consists of four Entranced Ingenium: Illumination Dragonfish enemies. They are at level 52 and weak to physical, lightning, and imaginary attacks. Defeat them. Then talk to the bird again to unlock The Seven Errors of Cycranes: Wrath achievement.
Courteous Cycrane (Lust)
On the Cloudford map, fast travel to the Cloudford: Skiff Boarding Area space anchor. Head south toward the exit to Central Starskiff Haven. Just right from the base of the steps you descend, you’ll find the Courteous Cycrane near some boxes. Talk to it and it asks you to help it fetch some banned photobooks. Agree.
Now follow the bird, defeating enemies along the way. Foes in this area tend to be weak to lightning, physical, and imaginary damage. Some of them are weak to wind attacks. Use those elements to speed any fights along. Your adversaries are at level 52, so don’t take them lightly. Once you reach your destination, some events unfold. Then you unlock The Seven Errors of Cycranes: Lust achievement.
After you find the last of the birds, return to Ziqiao. She hands over 5000 credits, plus you unlock the Seven Birds in the Hand is Worth A Thousand in the Bush achievement. You will receive a text message the next day you play to update you on the story of the birds. However, you’ve already received all of your actual rewards.
Honkai: Star Rail is available via its official website.
Published: May 9, 2023 11:29 PM UTC