Honkai Star Rail has sufficient content to keep players busy for a long while as they meet new characters and build them into mighty warriors. That adventure begins with a randomly selected character who may be very much to your liking, or who you may not even wish to bother upgrading. You can always try again if the selection displeases you greatly, but it’s a bit of a process. Here is our guide to the best characters to reroll for in Honkai Star Rail.
Best characters to reroll for in Honkai Star Rail
One of the very first things to consider is whether it is worth rerolling in Honkai Star Rail. That’s because you will quickly gain access to a number of perfectly capable characters right from the start, and because the developers have implemented a system that appears to have been designed to frustrate rerollers.
If you don’t like the character you summon when first playing the game, you must set up a new account with a separate email in order to try again. Then you will need to play through the tutorial before you can start pulling characters, which could require a half-hour or more of your time. Once you do start pulling characters, you’ll find the rates for a 5-star character are quite low (about 0.6%, which works out to a 1 in 1,666 chance). The Star Rail Pass items you receive when you first start playing also do not work on Rate-Up banners.
Whether you wind up rerolling or not, you should begin by completing 20 pulls on the Stellar Warp banner as soon as you unlock it. You have a very slight chance of generating a 5-star character in this fashion, though such a result is unlikely. Continue playing from there to reach Trailblaze level 5 and then Trailblaze level 15. Increasing your Trailblaze level takes time (see our beginner’s guide with tips and tricks for Honkai Star Rail), but your rewards are 10 additional tickets at each of those referenced levels. You can use the additional tickets to pull more times from the Departure Warp banner and secure a guaranteed 5-star pull.
Decision Time
Once you have completed the above steps, you can make a final decision about whether to go through that entire process again (which is not recommended, because you’ve likely spent 2 hours by this point), or to just proceed with whatever character you received.
There are presently 10 characters available at 5 stars. If you choose to reroll, you might as well set your sights high. Seele is the most desirable starting character. Less exciting but very solid options include Bronya, Clara, and Bailu. From there, solid options include Gepard, Himeko, Welt, and Yanqing. Any of the others are just plain disappointing.
With the above information in mind, you’re now ready to decide whether to reroll for a better character, or to properly embark on your journey through Honkai Star Rail.
Published: Apr 25, 2023 6:27 PM UTC