Hogwarts Legacy has several puzzles, such as the Moth Mirror puzzles, or in this case the animal symbol door puzzles. One of these happens to be in the Grand Staircase, one of the most iconic and memorable areas in the movies. Here’s our Hogwarts Legacy Grand Staircase door puzzle guide to help you solve this particular brain teaser.
Hogwarts Legacy Grand Staircase door puzzle guide
These animal symbol door puzzles can be confusing if you don’t know exactly how they work. To complete the Grand Staircase door puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy, you must pick the fuzzy wide-eyed creature (0) for the top equation and five-legged crab (5) for the bottom one.

Where to find the Grand Staircase puzzle
You can find this puzzle by making your way to the Grand Staircase via the Floo Flames fast travel point (Grand Staircase tab). Once you spawn, you’ll notice a plate with the “??” symbol. From there, walk east and you should see steps that loop around. You’ll find the puzzle, as well as the “?” plate next to it.
How to solve the Grand Staircase puzzle
To solve the Grand Staircase animal symbol puzzle, you’ll want to remember these clues:
- Similar to other puzzles of this type, each animal symbol corresponds to a number from zero to nine, going from the bottom left of the arch to the bottom right.
- Interact with the puzzle by pressing the “F” key to see the equation. There are two sets that require unknown symbols (“?” for the top equation and “??” for the bottom equation).
- Casting “Revelio” will show you a glimpse of the rewards behind the locked door. Press the “R” key on your keyboard or take R2/RT on your controller to cast it.
- You’ll notice a number in the center of each equation. This represents the sum of the numbers and symbols around it.

Grand Staircase door puzzle solution
Given the above, we can solve the Grand Staircase Door Puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy by doing the following:
- Top equation (“?”) requires the fuzzy wide-eyed creature (0) -> 4 + Elephant (2) + Sloth (0) = 6. The plate is beside the puzzle.
- Bottom equation (“??”) requires the five-legged crab (5) -> 1 + 5 + Headcrab (5) = 11. The plate is on a wall near the Grand Staircase fast travel point.

For your efforts, you’ll receive an item for your Collections tab (i.e., Unicorn Statue) and an epic-quality gear piece. You’re not done just yet with these symbol puzzles, just above you in the Grand Staircase Tower is another animal symbol door.
Published: Apr 15, 2024 11:02 am