Life president of Eidos Ian Livingstone has confirmed that a new Hitman game is in the works, in addition to a sequel to Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, and a movie of the latter.In an interview with GamingIndians, Livingstone stated that they were all in the works, but didn’t give much in the way of details.Hitman 5 is “being worked on, but there’s been no announcement on the release date yet. We haven’t even announced the game yet, so everything you hear about the next Hitman game is purely speculation at this point,” shortly before confirming that IO Interactive is developing the game. Spot the irony.Kane & Lynch 2 is apparently still on track for a September release, although “these games often slip because the production times are so difficult to predict due to the amount of work they have to put into them now in high-end consoles,” said Livingstone.As for the Kane & Lynch movie, “they haven’t started production yet, but it’s getting close.” Excitingly, Livingstone says “we understand Bruce Willis will be in the film.”
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: May 12, 2009 10:42 am