Genshin Impact Yelan guide – Talent priorities and passives
Let’s talk about Yelan’s build in Genshin Impact based on talent priorities and passives.
Normal Attack: Stealthy Bowshot – You can do a fully-charged shot that deals Hydro damage.
- Breakthrough – If not in combat for five seconds, Yelan’s next charged shot has an 80% decreased charge time. You can then fire it to create a Breakthrough Barb which does AoE Hydro damage based on Yelan’s max HP.
Elemental Skill: Lingering Lifeline – Moves through enemies and marks them. After this action, the marked opponents are hit with Lifeline explosion for Hydro damage based on Yelan’s max HP.
- Breakthrough – Enemies hit by the Lifeline explosion grant a 34% chance to reset Yelan’s Breakthrough state.
Elemental Burst: Depth-Clarion Dice – Deals AoE Hydro damage then spawns an Exquisite Throw.
- Exquisite Throw – Follows your character around and will deal Hydro damage based on Yelan’s max HP. The damage instance can occur whenever your active character uses a normal attack and when Yelan’s Lifeline hits enemies.
The burst will likely be your priority over anything else due to how much damage can be done with the coordinated attacks. It will scale based on a percentage of Yelan’s max HP, multiplied thrice thereafter.
Passive Talents
- Necessary Calculation – +25% more rewards when dispatched on a Liyue Expedition for 20 hours.
- Turn Control – Yelan’s max HP is increased by 6%/12%/18%/30% if the party has 1/2/3/4 elemental types.
- Adapt With Ease – As long as Exquisite Throw is active, your character will deal +1% damage up to 3.5% damage every second. The maximum damage increase is 50%, reset only if Yelan’s elemental burst is over or recast.
Note: Yelan’s talents require Prosperity booklets from Taishan Mansion (Monday, Thursday, and Sunday), as well as Fatui Insignias. At higher levels, she needs the Gilded Scale from Azhdaha.
- C1: Enter the Plotters – Elemental skill gains +1 charge.
- C2: Taking All Comers – When Exquisite Throw does a coordinated attack, it will shoot an additional projectile that deals 14% of Yelan’s max HP as Hydro damage.
- C3: Beware the Tricksters Dice – +3 levels for your elemental burst; maximum level is 15.
- C4: Bait and Switch – All party members’ HP is increased by 10% for 25 seconds for every enemy marked by Lifeline when it explodes; maximum increase of 40% HP.
- C5: Dealer’s Sleight – +3 levels for your elemental skill; maximum level is 15.
- C6: Winner Takes All – After using her burst, Yelan enters the Mastermind state where all her normal attacks will be akin to her charged attacks (i.e., Breakthrough Barbs). These deal 156% of a normal Breakthrough Barb’s damage. The Mastermind state lasts for 20 seconds or until Yelan shoots five arrows.
Let’s face it, trying to get constellations on a 5-star character is very costly. But, if you do want to splurge, your best bet is C1 for an extra elemental skill charge, and C2 due to the additional projectiles that are shot by the Exquisite Throw. If you want to go even further, then there’s C4 which adds a massive HP% increase.
All right, let’s go to the next part of our Genshin Impact Yelan guide to talk about the best weapon options for her.
Published: May 31, 2022 5:05 AM UTC