Genshin Impact: Yanfei’s best weapon – Solar Pearl vs. The Widsith vs. Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds
The Solar Pearl (a 4-star catalyst weapon) from the Gnostic Hymn Battle Pass, can be considered as one of the best weapons for Yanfei in Genshin Impact.
Solar Pearl (crit rate) – First off, even if the Solar Pearl isn’t free (you do need to get the premium version of the Battle Pass for it), acquisition is still guaranteed if that’s the weapon that you grab. There’s no need to rely on RNG for your gacha pulls. Likewise, we have to consider the benefits such as having crit rate for a sub-stat. There’s also its particular effect: normal attack hits increase elemental skill and elemental burst damage by 20% for six seconds; elemental skill and burst hits increase normal attack damage by 20% for six seconds. The buffs basically alternate depending on the ability or attack that you do. The only downside is that the Solar Pearl doesn’t directly buff charged attacks (where most of Yanfei’s damage will come from). However, normal attacks and elemental skill usage are part of her rotation due to how her abilities work (i.e., Scarlet Seal generation).
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds (crit rate) – However, if you’re really looking for the top-tier, 5-star weapon for Yanfei in Genshin Impact, then look no further than the Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds. It’s considered the best-in-slot (BIS) equipment for most catalyst users in the game (it’s actually the weapon that Yanfei uses if you test her out via the event panel). It has crit rate for a sub-stat and its effects include a movement speed bonus, as well as a stacking bonus to elemental damage. Unfortunately, since it’s a 5-star weapon, you have to wait for a banner that features it, or you need to be extremely lucky with your “Wanderlust Invocation” pulls.
The Widsith (crit damage) – Another alternative gear piece you can use for Yanfei is The Widsith. It does come from gacha pulls as well, and it’s a 4-star weapon. It has crit damage as a sub-stat, and there’s a bit of randomness involved in the buff you get when your character takes the field. Either you get boosts to ATK, elemental damage, or elemental mastery. The Widsith’s internal cooldown for its effects can be a little annoying to time properly, though.
Blackcliff Agate (crit damage) – This 4-star weapon isn’t necessarily a free-to-play pick. You do need to make a few wishes to earn enough starglitter just so you can purchase it from Paimon’s Shop (and only when it’s being sold there). Still, it provides a more sustained DPS boost. Your attack is increased by 12% for 30 seconds whenever you defeat an enemy with Yanfei, and you can have a maximum of three stacks that are independent of others.
Mappa Mare (elemental mastery) – Lastly, the Mappa Mare is a free-to-play alternative that you can craft via the blacksmith. It does require you to trigger an elemental reaction first (i.e., Vaporize, Overload, or Melt) to gain an elemental damage bonus that can stack up to two times.
All right, the next section of our guide talks about Yanfei’s best artifact options in Genshin Impact.
Published: Apr 28, 2021 6:05 AM UTC