Wondrous Shadows is one of the activities in the Lantern Rite 2022 event in Genshin Impact. In it, you’ll need to solve puzzles to find out what the correct figure is. Here’s our Genshin Impact Lantern Rite guide to help you with the Wondrous Shadows puzzles.
Note: For more information about the game, check out our Genshin Impact guides and features hub. Likewise, you can take a look at our main guide for the Lantern Rite 2022 event.
Genshin Impact Lantern Rite 2022 – Wondrous Shadows puzzle guide
You can start the Wondrous Shadows puzzles in Genshin Impact by talking to an NPC named Yuan Rong in Liyue Harbor. The idea here is to use the left mouse button so you can rotate and flip the diagram until the actual object is seen. You may also hold the right mouse button to only rotate the object clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Additionally, take a look at the bottom-left corner of your screen. You should see a bar representing how close you are to the solution. If this is almost full, that means only a slight nudge or rotation might complete the puzzle. If the progress bar drops, that means you moved it incorrectly. Lastly, there’s a hint button, but you likely won’t need it at all.
Wondrous Shadows puzzle #1: Censer
Flip it around until the “pagoda roof” is at the top. From there, just rotate it until the handles are visible at the sides.
Wondrous Shadows puzzle #2: Ship
This one just requires a few turns and rotations. Make sure the smaller sail is to the left of the larger one.
Wondrous Shadows puzzle #3: Kite
This looks like a Chaos Demon when you initially see it. Try to get the part that looks like an elongated stem at the bottom, then rotate it a little until you get the correct figure.
The Wondrous Shadows puzzles aren’t timed at all (at least not from what I’ve seen). Each completion will simply net you 30x primogems, 30,000x mora, and 200x Affluence Talismans. The Affluence Talisman currency is used in the event shop for rewards, including a free Ningguang outfit and free 4-star characters.
Genshin Impact is available via its official website. For more information, check out our guides and features hub.
Published: Jan 25, 2022 2:30 PM UTC