Act I: Bolt Blitz
For this particular challenge, you’ll be using the Thunder Bough plants to obtain the Electrograna buff.
Think of this as akin to previous gliding challenges in that you need to finish the course within the time limit. This time, though, you’re grappling instead of gliding. With the Electrograna buff, you can repeatedly use an action that’s like a grappling hook (“T”) to traverse areas.
It’s possible for the Electrograna’s duration to run out, so try to be quick. Likewise, be on the lookout for purple orbs.
If you need the extra time, you’ll see a few mobs scattered around (i.e., mostly slimes or hilichurls).
Try to kill these enemies so you can gain a few precious seconds on the clock.
When you’re done, you can check how well you did. You’ll receive rewards such as primogems, ores, gold, and Thunder Pellets based on the tasks that you’ve accomplished (i.e., finishing the challenge with a lot of time remaining). Oh, and the Bolt Blitz act has three challenges, so make sure you visit those markers to complete the tracks/courses.
Anyway, let’s talk about the event shop and rewards in the next part of our Genshin Impact Thunder Sojourn guide.
Published: Jul 22, 2021 4:55 AM UTC