Genshin Impact: The best weapon for Kujou Sara
Let’s discuss the best weapons in Genshin Impact for Kujou Sara.
Skyward Harp (crit rate) – To clarify, the reason why the Skyward Harp is listed here isn’t just because of the sub-stat or perk. Rather, it’s because the Skyward Harp provides Kujou Sara with the highest base ATK stat out of all the 5-star weapons in Genshin Impact (i.e., 674 ATK at level 90).
Sacrificial Bow (energy recharge), Alley Hunter (ATK), and Blackcliff Warbow (crit damage) – Remember, base ATK only increases via Kujou Sara’s character level and the weapon that you use. As such, we’re going with these 4-star weapons that have 565 ATK at level 90:
- The Sacrificial Bow (from gacha wishes) is great because of the energy recharge sub-stat and the chance to reset your elemental skill’s cooldown.
- Alley Hunter (from gacha wishes), meanwhile, increases Kujou Sara’s damage when she’s not on the field. She will likely be a burst DPS or support character, meaning you’ll swap her in when you need to pop her ultimate or get the ATK buff. That means she’ll gain the boosts from the Alley Hunter’s perk from time to time.
- Finally, the Blackcliff Warbow (from Paimon’s Shop) is another okay alternative due to the crit damage sub-stat. Likewise, you’ll probably end up killing foes via the elemental burst, which ensures that Kujou Sara gains an ATK% (not base ATK) increase. The only downside is that you’ll bring another character in if she’s in a quick-swap team comp.
Other options: The Stringless (elemental mastery), Prototype Crescent (ATK%) and Hamayumi (ATK%) – Unfortunately, these weapons have significantly lower base ATK stats at level 90. The Stringless (gacha wishes) and Prototype Crescent (blacksmith) only have 510 ATK. Meanwhile, the Hamayumi (from Takashi’s Mysterious Conches), has a measly 454 ATK. The Stringless has a slight edge here simply because it increases your elemental skill/burst damage.
Anyway, let’s go to the next part of our Genshin Impact Kujou Sara guide to talk about the best artifacts that we can use.
Published: Sep 1, 2021 6:05 AM UTC