As you continue exploring in Genshin Impact, you’ll eventually stumble upon Ley Line Outcrops. Much later, you’ll also do battle against elites and tackle Domains. All of these activities use up your Original Resin resource. Here’s our guide to help you out.
Note: For more information, check out our Genshin Impact guides and features hub.
Genshin Impact: Original Resin and activities
Original Resin is yet another resource you need to consider in Genshin Impact. By default, you’ve got 120 Original Resin as the maximum amount. This decreases if you complete the following activities and open the rewards in the end:
- Domains – 20
- Ley Line Outcrops – 20
- Elites – 40
- Weekly bosses – 60
Note 1: You can start these activities even if you don’t have enough Original Resin. However, you won’t get the rewards at the end.
Note 2: You gain one point of Original Resin every eight minutes. You can also spend Fragile Resin to replenish 60 Original Resin. Alternatively, you can spend Primogems. Keep in mind that you can only replenish your Original Resin count up to six times each daily reset.
Ley Line Outcrops
These are scattered all over the world map. You’ll notice the circular icons and clicking one shows you the possible rewards:
- Blossom of Revelation – Several EXP booklets for character leveling (usually Wanderer’s Advice or Adventurer’s Experience, not Hero’s Wit).
- Blossom of Wealth – Around 20,000 gold.
The usual goal for this activity in Genshin Impact is to simply eliminate the mobs that spawn. Once finished, interact with the Ley Line Blossom to claim your reward.
Note: Farming Ley Line Blossoms is actually a decent way of leveling up your Adventure Rank. Each one you complete nets you 100 Adventure Rank EXP. With 120 Original Resin, you could complete six of these (a total of 600 EXP) before you need to replenish those points.
These are dungeons found all over Genshin Impact‘s world map and they have a diamond icon. Some domains might be locked and you’ll need to complete a fairly easy puzzle — usually involving elemental switches or floating Seelie — to make them appear.
Once they’re available, they’ll act as fast travel points too. Check out the possible rewards depending on the type of Domain:
- Domain of Forgery – Weapon ascension materials
- Domain of Mastery – Talent level-up materials
- Domain of Blessing – Artifacts
Domains have a “Ley Line Disorder.” These are just modifiers that’ll affect you as long as you’re inside the location. These areas tend to have an encounter and, once you’re done, you can quickly pick up the rewards.
Note: As you increase your Adventure Rank, you’ll unlock higher difficulties for each Domain. You can also check the possible rewards since they might change depending on the day.
Lastly, you’ve got elites. These are extremely deadly mobs that are found in specific areas of Genshin Impact‘s map.
For instance, there’s the Cryo Regisvine, a gigantic frost plant that’ll blast you with freezing beams. It’s like the boss you fought in one of the main quests earlier in the game.
There’s also the Electro Hypostasis. It’s a sentient cube that morphs into various objects from time to time.
It can turn into a drill, a fist, a contraption that spits lasers, and, yes, even something that shoots out “Tetris blocks.” It might be one of the most ingenious creature designs I’ve ever seen, and to think it’s just an elite mob encounter.
In between transformations (i.e., it’s just back to one cube), though, the Electro Hypostasis becomes vulnerable. Wail away on it and anticipate its potential attacks once it transforms again.
When it’s low on health, it’ll split into three separate cubes that need to be destroyed. Otherwise, it’ll restore a bit of HP and it’ll resume its attacks. You’ll need to annihilate the remaining cubes afterward once you bring it down to critical health again.
Genshin Impact is available via its official website. For more information, check out our guides and features hub.
Published: Oct 5, 2020 5:45 PM UTC