Feeding the Foxes and Lost in the Snow
While collecting Ragged Records, you’ll come across some abandoned camps. Well, you’ll be stumbling upon a few more while doing the Lost in the Snow sidequest.
First, make sure you get the quest from Joel, the kid in the Adventurer’s Camp fast travel point. The camp is at the fast travel point that’s northeast of Dragonspine.
After talking to Joel, just follow the quest markers which will lead you to the campsites of Joel’s dad.
The third and final campsite is found near Dragonspine’s Statue of the Seven. Just turn around and go inside the cavern where the wind barrier used to be.
Instead of heading further inside, look to your right and you’ll see the final campsite. Joel’s dad has left a note here and he mentions feeding the foxes, too.
It might seem like a throwaway comment, but it’s actually very important. If you check the nearby bowl, you can press “F” to place two berries here.
Now, all you need to do is leave berries in the bowl each daily reset.
You have to do this for five daily resets (skipping time doesn’t work). On the fifth day, a chest and several foxes will appear. You’ll get an achievement plus a secret Crimson Agate.
All right, we’re done here. Let’s discuss the Great Snowboar King.
Published: Dec 29, 2020 4:30 AM UTC