No Wonder It’s a Top-class Commission
From “Adventurous Acquaintance,” reach the part where you can tell Bennett that you’d like to “go on an adventure with him.” Your choice of expedition doesn’t really matter (it’s not where you’re going to). Instead, when asked about getting food ready, tell him that you’d simply head out.
A domain will be marked on your map (it’s different from the domain in endings #3 and #4). Simply accompany Bennett until you reach the second room with the lasers.
Bennett will say that he wants to try out the mechanisms first.
Tell him to “go ahead.” You’ll be prompted with a choice on the switch that he’d activate (choose the one on the left side).
This will cause the Traveler and Bennett to get locked inside the dungeon, netting you the “No Wonder It’s a Top-class Commission” ending.
Fortunate Outcome
This still takes place in the same dungeon. The difference is that, once Bennett talks about the mechanisms, tell him that you “can’t let him face the danger alone.” The Traveler and Bennett will then activate the two mechanisms at the same time to open up the next room.
Inside is a puzzle involving torches. After talking to Bennett, examine the three glowing markers to receive a clue.
Solution: Activate the mechanisms in this order: three torches -> one torch -> two torches (3 -> 1 -> 2). If you do it right, the trap will be disabled and you can open the chest. This gives you the “Fortunate Outcome” ending for Bennett’s Hangout Event in Genshin Impact.
Note: If you activate the switches in the wrong order, Bennett will take damage. If this happens thrice, Bennett will collapse and the entire Hangout Event will fail (causing you to restart from a branching point).
Genshin Impact is available via its official website. For more information, check out our guides and features hub. We also have our main guide for the Hangout Events as well as a version 1.4 overview.
Published: Mar 17, 2021 5:40 AM UTC