Genshin Impact: The best weapon for Aloy
Let’s discuss the best weapons in Genshin Impact for Aloy.
Predator Bow (ATK%) – To be clear, the Predator Bow isn’t necessarily the best weapon for Aloy in Genshin Impact. The reason I’m mentioning it here is that it’s her featured weapon (which you’ll also receive for free via in-game mail). This weapon has the “Strong Strike” perk. It gives +66 ATK when equipped, and +10% normal and charged attack damage whenever you deal Cryo damage; lasts six seconds and stacks up to two times.
Unfortunately, the “Strong Strike” perk is only active while you’re on a PS4 or PS5. The moment you switch to a different platform, the perk will no longer have any effect.
Thundering Pulse (crit damage) vs. Amos Bow (ATK%) vs. Skyward Harp (crit rate) – If we’re looking at the best weapon for Aloy in Genshin Impact, then we need to discuss these 5-star options:
- Thundering Pulse comes ahead of the pack because of the +20% ATK bonus and the Thunder Emblem stacks from normal hits, elemental skill casts, and having energy below 100%. Because Aloy’s playstyle involves shooting Cryo-infused normal attacks often (once she gains the Rushing Ice state), the Thunder Emblem stacks boost her DPS significantly. If you have this weapon and you don’t like using Yoimiya, then you can try it on Aloy.
- Amos Bow, meanwhile, adds +12% to your normal and charged attack damage. The longer your shot is in the air before it hits a target, the bigger the damage bonus. Unfortunately, because we’re focusing on normal attacks, there’s often a maximum range where you’ll hit a target before you start shooting empty air. This weapon is better off for someone like Ganyu.
- Finally, the Skyward Harp adds +20% crit damage, and your hits have a chance to generate an AoE attack that deals Physical damage. Sadly, Aloy tends to rely more on Cryo damage rather than Physical. Even if you try a Physical build, her Rushing Ice state will infuse her normal attacks with Cryo anyway.
Hamayumi (ATK%) – The Hamayumi from Takashi’s Mysterious Conches is a viable 4-star weapon for Aloy in Genshin Impact. You’ll get +16% normal attack and +12% charged attack damage. The effect is doubled whenever your burst is fully charged. So, if you don’t pop your burst yet, you can keep the effect for a while. Oh, and this is also a good free-to-play (F2P) alternative.
Rust (ATK%) -Rust is another good 4-star weapon for Aloy because of the +40% normal attack damage bonus. We won’t even care about the penalty to your charged shot’s damage.
Mitternachts Waltz (Physical damage bonus) – Although this bow grants +20% normal attack and elemental skill buffs when you hit with either ability, its sub-stat isn’t for Aloy.
Viridescent Hunt (crit rate) – This bow from the Gnostic Hymn Battle Pass is decent since your shots can trigger a mini-cyclone effect.
Anyway, let’s go to the next part of our Genshin Impact Aloy guide to talk about the best artifacts that we can use.
Published: Sep 1, 2021 4:55 AM UTC