Epic Games has introduced a new in-game currency for Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5 that allows players to purchase and upgrade loot via NPC vendors. Therefore, it’s important for players to know how to gain as much of the new in-game currency as possible. There are many ways to earn golden bars, but safes offer the highest single yields of anything so far. Players who can manage to find a safe will be rewarded with 150 golden bars. In this guide, we’ll cover all eight of the safe spawn locations in Fortnite that you can find scattered throughout Pleasant Park.
The first thing to know about these safes is that the spawn rates are very low. Seeing as they are never guaranteed, it’s best to just look for them as you go about normal looting. However, the spawn locations are often very convenient, so knowing where to check is worthwhile. We’ve included images of where to find all of the safes in this guide. Just note that some of the images look oddly placed, because we used a drone to capture them in-between walls for easier-to-interpret viewing angles.
If you find these fun to look for, you can find out where the safes spawn at all of the named locations on the Fortnite. Just head over to our Chapter 2 Season 5 guides and features hub and scroll down to the safe locations section. There are also plenty of other useful guides to help you along like walkthroughs on hidden secrets, detailed explanations on new gameplay mechanics like Quests and Bounties, and weekly challenges in Fortnite.
Land wisely
Landing at Pleasant Park is typically far from pleasant due to large numbers of enemy players that flock to the location at the beginning of each match. For this reason, you may want to land at the northwest end of Pleasant Park if checking safe spawn locations is your priority. As more time goes by, more players will be familiar with where to check themselves, so you will want to be quick about beating them to the punch each match.
I suggest landing at the brick house on the northwest corner, because you will have a much better chance of checking at least four of the safe spawns before getting into trouble. Ultimately, it’s up to you, but we will start this guide at that house and unveil the spawn locations one by one from there.
Every safe spawn location at Pleasant Park
You can find the first safe in the unfinished storage room on the east side of the brick house. It’s on the second floor, so just knock away the roof and take a peek. Next, you can rotate east to check the second floor bedroom in the adjacent brick house with white side paneling. The third safe is located on the ground floor of the northeastern house where Doggo sometimes spawns. The safe sits in the corner next to the desk. The fourth safe spawns behind the counter at the gas station.
You will need to decide which way to continue rotating based upon the game you’re in. We will continue in this clockwise rotation for the guide. Moving south of the gas station, you will find the next safe spawn in the cellar of the orange house. The next safe spawn is in the modern house on the top floor. The safe sits next to a desk overlooking the soccer field. The seventh safe spawn location is at the green house on the southwest side of Pleasant Park. Check the bedroom on the second floor. It will be in the corner behind the door. The last safe spawns in the orange/yellow house on the northwest end of Pleasant Park. It’s just next to the brick house we landed at. You can find the safe next to the desk in the upstairs office.
Published: Dec 17, 2020 4:30 PM UTC