Football Manager 2018 is out today, along with a demo and the usual set of editing tools (for those who own the game). If you fancy a kick about in the demo, it’s available from the game’s Steam page. Look for the ‘Download Demo’ button to the right (and down a bit) from the game’s price.
According to Sports Interactive’s page about the demo, it allows you to have a six month Football Manager 2018 career. It doesn’t mention any further restrictions, so you can presumably lead any team you like for those six months. There’s also a demo available for the more streamlined Football Manager Touch 2018.
The Football Manager 2018 Editor can be found in the ‘Tools’ section of Steam (you can get there via the Library drop-down menu). A few additions have been made to the editor this year, detailed in this post on the Football Manager forums. You can now add transfer clauses to any transfers you’ve set up when moving players between clubs. You will also be able to alter the ‘preferred formation’ of members of staff at clubs, enabling you to alter a given team’s AI tactics.
The PC Invasion review of Football Manager 2018 can be read here.
Published: Nov 10, 2017 11:49 PM UTC