Bungie has vaulted a ton of beloved content in Destiny 2 over the years. But the biggest loss has always arguably been the maps cut from the Crucible. Here are five Crucible maps that need to make a comeback in Destiny 2 sometime soon.
These maps need to return to Destiny 2
#5 Solitude
Solitude was one of those maps that just felt right to play on. Set on Mars, this map had you fighting around a small Warmind base with ice caverns and a cliff overlooking the valleys of the planet. It was the perfect size map for Destiny 2 in that it supported those who wanted to control the field with snipers and those who wanted to camp the corridors with shotguns. It also had plenty of little routes you could take to surprise other players vying to capture points in Control.
This is a very simple map when you break it down and that could be a core reason for why we haven’t seen its return. But I’ve personally always loved the smaller maps in Destiny 2 as they lead to much more kinetic and fast-paced matches.
#4 Firebase Echo
Firebase Echo is a map that originally left me feeling conflicted. It was a love-hate relationship for sure but only with time apart from it do I realise how much I miss it. This map took place on Nessus and had you fighting through a Red Legion base full of little corridors. And then there were the areas outside which gave you long sight lines across the arena.
This was a massive map for Crucible at the time since it had so much variance and strategy in gameplay. A good team could hold off their Control points with ease, and a better team could expertly navigate the map to disorient their opponents. Firebase Echo took time and skill to learn effectively, and I think it could be really cool to play this map with Stasis and Strand abilities.
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#3 Legion’s Gulch

Now this is a map that I used to love in Destiny 2. Legion’s Gulch was a haven for snipers and made completing bounties that required them so much easier to complete. This map also had a really unique design in that it was split up into three unique sections. There were the ruins of the old Earth town, the Cabal ship in the center, and then the outskirts of the town. All three of these places made for tense shootouts.
My favorite spot on this map was the bottleneck of the bridge leading to the Cabal structure. You’d always see players trying to control the bridge. Then you had to choose to flank and hope that the enemy team was too distracted to see you coming. This is a map that needs to return soon. If only so I can finally unlock the Deadeye title.
#2 Retribution
Retribution was probably my favorite Crucible map in Destiny 2 at a certain point in time. I absolutely loved how tightly packed this map was with the central corridor running all through the map. Then you had the area outside with the three platforms you’d need to jump across and the small room on the opposite side that gave you some more breathing room.
This map was ruled by shotgun users, so if you didn’t have something like the Felwinter’s Lie, you were out of luck most of the time. But again I loved these smaller maps as they made for much tenser matches in the long run. And it was awesome to see how careful use of abilities and teamwork could often beat out the current meta weapons.
#1 The Citadel

I think The Citadel is arguably one of the greatest Crucible maps that ever came to Destiny 2. It has everything you could want from a map in the game. Large open areas for snipers, small rooms for shotguns to reign supreme, and plenty of middle ground for scout rifles and hand cannons to control choke points. It was also visually stunning and was the only Crucible map to take place in the Dreaming City. And since this location is still available in the game, it’s bizarre that it got vaulted in the first place.
The Citadel is the map that has the most reason to come back in Destiny 2. Not only because the Dreaming City is such a cool place to be in, but this is also the benchmark for how good a map in Destiny 2 can be. What we have now in rotation isn’t terrible by any means, but it doesn’t make sense to leave such a good map in the dust.
I sincerely hope that Bungie can bring some of these maps back into the rotation for Crucible. It gets old playing the same maps again and again, and adding just one or two of these back would be great.
Published: Nov 28, 2023 3:45 PM UTC