FFXIV offers Warriors of Light such a picturesque and vibrant world that players may just want to live there. We’re not at Sword Art Online levels of immersion yet, but FFXIV players can get that little closer to a life in Eorzea with a house of their own in-game. If this is your first time wrestling with the Housing Lottery, it can be a nerve-wracking experience. But fear not; let me explain the FFXIV Housing Lottery schedule and offer a few tips on how to get your dream house.
FFXIV Housing Lottery schedule explained
Housing Lotteries run for nine days and are split into the Entry Period and Results Period. The Entry Period runs for five days; during that time, players can bid on a plot of their choosing. Houses are expensive business in FFXIV, and buyers must have the required Gil up front. Don’t worry; the Gil is returned to you if you lose.
Players must take note of the type of plot they are bidding for, as some are only for Free Companies (FCs).
After the Entry Period concludes, the Results Period begins, and this is where a winner is chosen. Players must return to the plot during this period to see the results. Winners must finalize their purchase during this time as well. If a player wins the bid but doesn’t show up during the Results Period, they lose the house. In this case, the Lottery restarts.
If you win but don’t claim, you lose half the Gil you would have paid for the house as a cancellation fee. Needless to say, don’t let this happen to you!
If you bid on a house and can’t remember where it was, don’t worry; you can find that information on the ‘Estate Tab’ of the ‘Timers Menu’ (CTRL+U).
As Housing is done with a Lottery system, you’ll have more luck if you bid on a location with less competition. You don’t have to register your interest in a plot the moment it goes live, and if you wait until the end of the Entry Period, you’ll know how contested the property is. Shop around in different Wards as demand can vary between them.
Can I move house in FFXIV?
If you already have a house but fancy a change of scenery, you can still bid on other plots using the Housing Lottery. If you win, you can move to your new house, and 15% of your previous dwelling value will be refunded. Housing prices have changed over the years, so you may not get exactly that amount.
Did the Housing system used to work differently?
As frustrating as the lottery mechanic can be, the system players had to suffer through previously was much worse. Initially, players had to wait for housing plots to go on sale, and they were distributed on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. The issue is that players didn’t know precisely when plots would be available, leading to many sitting beside buildings monotonously clicking on them.
Some players prefer the old system, but the new one is fairer. Even if you don’t spend hours a day on FFXIV, you have just as much chance of getting a house as someone who does. If you’re just about to roll the dice on your first house, I wish you the best of luck! If you’re playing during the Rising Event, don’t forget to check out our article on the potential rewards.
Published: Sep 11, 2023 4:29 PM UTC