In Lords of the Fallen, after besting Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal, you will enter Skyrest Bridge, a safe haven for all of those opposing Adyr’s return, willing or not. Here, you will be able to benefit from many services and vendors, making it a great place to take a rest and restock after some exploring or fighting. Here is everything to do in Skyrest Bridge.
Skyrest Bridge in Lords of the Fallen
There are many NPCs to interact with in Skyrest Bridge, so make sure you know what each of them can do for you.

Pieta, now cleansed of her heresy, will provide one of the most important services out of all the others. She can upgrade your Sanguiniax, to provide it with better healing and with more charges. Simply talk to her, and the option will be there. Each upgrade will cost Saintly Quintessences, which are rare and hard to come by. She can also reset your build, which will redistribute all of your stats so you can start again.
Pieta is to the left of the Vestige in Skyrest Bridge.
Stomund, Captain of the Fidelis

Stomund is the resolute captain of the Fidelis, a band of people taking a stand against Adyr. He is a vendor, selling an assortment of weapons and shields that scale with agility and strength. He also sells robust but heavy armor. From him, you can buy the Pilgrim’s Perch Key, which will unlock a certain door in Pilgrim’s Perch.
Stomund is to the right of the Vestige in Skyrest Bridge, in front of the entrance to the Fidelis.
Exacter Dunmire

Exacter Dunmire is another vendor, who sells gear for the magical builds. Specializing in Radiance, he will sell lighter armor and Radiant spells alongside a Radiant catalyst. If you’re looking to become a Radiant caster, you’ll want to buy out his stock.
Exacter Dunmire can be found in the left wing of Skyrest Bridge, down the stairs.

This terrifying creature is responsible for the creation of the Umbral Lamp. You will need to be in Umbral to see and interact with Molhu. Molhu provides a litany of services. For your Umbral Lamp, he can upgrade it, using Antediluvian Chisels, another very rare item. Upgrading the lamp provides more Umbral Eye Sockets, more dread resistance, and more Soulflay Charges. He can also insert and swap out Umbral Eyes, rare items that provide bonuses if active.
Also, Molhu is a vendor, and you can buy a small assortment of Umbral items. Namely, the Umbral catalyst and Umbral spells can be bought, allowing you to start down that magical path.
Molhu is up the stairs in a room in the left wing of Skyrest Bridge.
Shrine of Orius

The Shrine of Orius is a structure that you can interact with to unlock tincts and buy certain items. You must donate to it the respective item to increase your standing, and at certain thresholds, you will unlock new items to buy and more tincts. You must be logged in and connected to the internet to use this feature.
The Shrine of Orius is found at the back of the Fidelis Head Quarters, in the room that Stomund stands in front of.
Shrine of the Putrid Mother

Like the Shrine of Orius, this shrine can sell you items and tincts, but only if you donate the respective items to it. You can donate and build up both shrines at the same time, they are not mutually exclusive. You must be logged in and connected to the internet to use this feature.
The Shrine of the Putrid Mother requires you to be in Umbral to see it and is in the room with Molhu.
I hope you enjoyed our guide for everything to do in Skyrest Bridge. There’s a lot for you to purchase, so grind some vigor and suit up! You’ll need all the help you can get, Dark Crusader. For even more Lords of the Fallen assistance, cast your lamp over to PC Invasion.
Published: Oct 13, 2023 12:00 PM UTC