The Potions Garden is the third level in the Magic DLC for Escape Simulator. We will be crafting many potions to work our way through these fun puzzles.
I will be walking you through how to escape, and at the end, I’ll be going over how to get all the secret Tokens in the level.
Concocting the Size Potion
This first series of puzzles works toward making our way into the second room. For that, we’ll need to make two potions. The Size Potion and the Fertilizer Potion. We’ll quickly make both now so our flow isn’t interrupted.

Right in front of you is a table with Mushrooms growing in boxes. There is a note that details the process of making a Size Potion using said Mushrooms.
The recipe calls for three mushrooms that when combined have a total affinity of three Earth and one Water. However, this isn’t so simple, as there are only three types of mushrooms yet 12 results on the note, and there aren’t any three Mushrooms that we can use that don’t also contain another element.

Firstly, the Mushrooms have three different types of cap, and the grid on the left tells us which pattern contains which elements. Also, some patterns discount an element, so no worries about one rogue element being thrown in.
To make the Size Potion, gather the three Mushrooms below:

The Tall Mushroom with the ringed pattern may add the Air element, but the orange Mushroom discounts that. So all together, these Mushrooms equate to three Earth affinity and one Water affinity. Now to make the potion.
Walk over to the Cauldron and walk up to the small stall. Place the Mushrooms in the above order into the Cauldron and wait a few seconds. It will spew out the potion liquid into a vial, creating your Size Potion. Make sure to pick it up. We now have all we need to make the key to enter the next room.
Creating the Fertilizer Potion
With the Size Potion made, we can now make the Fertilizer Potion, one that calls for a little more puzzling. The recipe for this potion can be found on a desk near the Cauldron.

This recipe calls for three Flowers that can be found around the Cauldron. Each Flower must be tested by both Butterflies and Bees, as the recipe calls upon a flower liked exclusively by Bees, one liked exclusively by Butterflies, and one liked by both insects.
So to make this potion, we need both parties to be freed.
Unlocking the Butterflies is easy enough. A display of Butterflies is right by the Fertilizer Potion recipe, so simply open the cage to free them. Freeing the Bees is trickier, however.
Unlocking the Beehive
To unlock the Beehive, we need to grab four Beehive Pins and assemble them in the correct order on the lid. The Beehive already has a pin on it, so we need to find the three others and the correct combination.

You will find a wooden pin and a metal pin on a desk by the Cauldron, and the other is on the shelving unit.
Pick up these pins. To know the combination, we need to have another look at the Fertilizer Potion. Below the recipe, you’ll find the combination for the Beehive Pins.

Return to the Beehive, pinning the Fertilizer Potion Recipe on the way. Pick up the existing metal pin. We will not only need to replicate the shape but also the order in which they are placed.
- Place the bottom wooden Beehive Pin first.
- Place the diagonally slanting metal Beehive Pin second.
- Place the second wooden Beehive Pin third.
- Finally, place the last metal Beehive Pin.
Upon doing so, you’ve freed the Bees, and we can now begin to make the Fertilizer Potion.
Testing the Flowers and making the Fertilizer Potion
Around the Cauldron, there are four Flowers that are candidates for this potion, and each needs to be tested. To test a Flower, pick it up and place it in both the Bee dish and the Butterfly dish and observe their response.
They’ll either fly away or fly toward it. You need to find a Flower that only attracts Bees, another Flower that only attracts Butterflies, and another Flower that attracts both. Below are all three Flowers you need, including the order in which to put them in the Cauldron.

Place these three Flowers, in order, into the Cauldron. After a few seconds, it will spew out the Fertilizer Potion, which you can then claim.
We are finally ready to begin making our way into the second room.
Getting into the second room
To get into the second room, we’ll need to grow our own key. The seed packet for this is locked inside the box on the desk next to the Cauldron.

The note on this lock shows a series of patterns on a grid. This reflects the four plant pots on the wall by the Mushrooms. You may notice that one of them already has a plant grown that looks suspiciously like the number five.
The rest of the plant pots have seeds in them. Using the Fertilizer Potion, we can grow each of these seeds into plants that will grow on their trellises to make numbers – the combination for the lock. However, the orientation on the lock is the inverse of the order of these plants, so we must reverse the order to find the combination 8571.

Enter this code into the lock box to reveal some seed packets. The only one we need is the Keylike Carrot Seed.
Growing the Carrot Key
To grow this key, we need to open the packet. Go into your inventory and click on the seal. It will rip off, allowing us to plant the seed.

Go over to any soil plot, even ones already inhabited, with your Keylike Carrot Packet equipped. You will be able to plant the seeds. Using the Fertilizer Potion, you can grow the plant, and using the Size Potion, you can grow it into a key that can fit the lock.
Take the Giant Keylike Carrot and insert it into the door. It will unlock, allowing you to enter the second room.
Making the Raincloud Potion
Like in the first room, there are a couple of potions that we need to make. However, to make one, we need to make the other. The Raincloud Potion will allow us to reveal a needed component to make the Duplication Potion, so let’s get started.

Next to the Affinity Scale is a Brochure detailing both the Raincloud Potion recipe and the affinities of five named Aquatic Plants. To make the potion, we need a Whisperwillow, a Pearlpetal, and a Soulbind. However, when looking at the poster on the other wall, only one of the Aquatic Plants is named, and it’s not one of the ones we need.
There are five Aquatic Plants in the room, and they are all present in the Brochure, which highlights their Affinity details. Four are in the pond, and one is already on the Affinity Scale.

*Big breath* We’ll have to use the Affinity Scales and the information in the Brochure to test the Aquatic Plants against each other to find out which ones are which. The only Aquatic Plant we know the name of is the Aethercrest, the elongated blue one. This is the plant we will start with.
Using the dial in the middle of the Affinity Scales, you can test the plants against different elements.
After extensive scaling and testing, I found that the three Aquatic Plants we need, in order, are the ones pictured below.

In this order, place these plants in the Cauldron to create the Raincloud Potion.
Creating the Duplication Potion
We can now make the Duplication Potion, so grab the recipe off the table in the second room.

The recipe calls for the most potent Flower, Mushroom, and Aquatic Plant, in any order. To know the most potent ingredients, we will need the Potency Detector.
Grabbing the Potency Detector
The Potency Detector is locked in a box that is currently on fire in the corner of the room. You can use your Raincloud Potion to put it out, revealing a box.
Turn the four dials in the corner until they are no longer blocking the lid of the box. It will reveal the Potency Detector.

With the Potency Detector, inspect it in your inventory and click on it to open it. I’d recommend pinning it.
Gathering the most potent ingredients
The recipe note details that the three prongs point to the most potent ingredient of each type. Follow in the direction of one of the prongs until you are brought to a Mushroom, a Flower, or an Aquatic Plant. Upon picking up the most potent, one of the prongs will spin around.
So you can simply keep picking up Mushrooms until one of the prongs spins, and do that for the Aquatic Plants. The Flowers are spaced out enough for you not to have to do this trick.

With all the potent ingredients and all the prongs spinning, throw all three into the Cauldron in any order to create the Duplication Potion.
With the Duplication Potion on hand, we can now solve the final puzzle to get yourself the Key to escape the Potions Garden.
Fixing the Gnome Statues

In the far corner of the second room is a Gnome Statue holding a Smaller Gnome Statue. The larger statue is also holding a golden box that houses the key, and the smaller statue holds a Ladder.
To open the box, we need to find and fix the nose and ear on both of the statues, which is where both the Duplication and Size Potions come into play.
Take the Ladder off the smaller Gnome Statue and inspect it in your inventory. Drag your Size Potion over to enlarge the Ladder into a Giant Ladder.
Finding the Gnome Ear
The Gnome Ear is tucked away in a cabinet placed high up in the first room above the plant pots on the wall. Place the Giant Ladder on the floor. You can walk up the Giant Ladder to reach the cabinet, open it, and claim the Giant Gnome Ear.

In your inventory, use the Duplication Potion on it to clone it. Then, use the Size Potion on one of them to shrink it to normal size.
You can place the Giant Ear on the Giant Gnome Statue and do the same with the smaller Gnome Ear for the smaller Gnome Statue.
Finding the Gnome Nose
You may have noticed the Mandrakes dotted around the rooms. Well, we finally have a use for those adorable critters.
Below are the locations for all three Mandrakes. Note that you’ll need to use the Giant Ladder to reach the last one.

In the first room are three plant pots, each with drawn faces. Place the Mandrakes in the plant pots. You will have to swap them around until the Mandrakes are in pots that reflect their mood, pictured below.

Once this is done, you’ll unlock a compartment below the pots, revealing the nose.
Like with the ear, duplicate and enlarge the nose using the Duplication and Size Potions.
Then, insert it into the gnome.
With the noses and ears attached to the Gnome Statues, the golden box will open, revealing the Key to the door.

Use this Key to unlock the door and escape!
Related: Escape Simulator Magic Shop Walkthrough & Token locations (Magic DLC)
All Token locations in the Potions Garden
Here are the locations for all eight secret Tokens hidden in the level.
Behind the Cauldron
There is a Token clear as day behind the Cauldron in the main room.
On the wall

There is a Token next to the door to the second room on the lower right.
The Giant Token Turnip

When growing the Carrot Key to open up the second room, you will also have gained seeds for a turnip. Plant these seeds in one of the other plots that you grew the Carrot in and use the Fertiliser Potion and then the Size Potion like you did with the Carrot.
Unearth the Giant Token Turnip and click on it to claim the Token. You may need to click on it a few times.
In the pond

There is a Token in the pond in the second room in the corner.
Spinning the scales
The scale apparatus used to weigh the Aquatic Plants against each other will produce a Token when spun around fully. You should have experienced this when trying to solve the room.
In the draw
The desk in the second room has two drawers. The top one hosts a Token.
Using the ladder

In the main room, there is a Token up high on the wall. You must use the ladder to ascend to reach it.
The Three Apples
This one is a little more complex. There is a blackboard propped up at the entrance of the second room. In the corner, it shows three apples equating to a Token. Under the table with the growing mushrooms, you’ll find a box containing two Apples and a Lemon.

To get the third Apple, you must use the Duplication Potion on one of them, and then send all three into the Cauldron. It’ll spit out a Token.
And there you have it, your escape route from the Potions Garden in the Magic DLC for Escape Simulator, and you’ve got all the Tokens. Why don’t you check out our walkthrough of the Chronomancy Hall if you’re struggling with it?
Published: Feb 24, 2024 1:17 PM UTC