The Paragon community will be getting excited at the prospect of the new Monolith map which will roll out soon. Today we got a first look at what’s coming.
Epic are keen to show off the map early and they even shared a video of how the Legacy map looked back in 2014. It has come a long way.
The new Monolith map is not symmetrical so Epic has created two themes for the map, Dawn and Dusk. Each side comes with its own unique art style.
The Dawn side of the map will include colours we are used to seeing in the current legacy map with vibrant colours and lush plant life.The Dusk side is darker featuring orange and brown tinges of colour with sharper edges and metallic-like features.
Epic has shared the first screenshots and the shots below shows the “safe lane”. An area ideal for carries to level up at the start of the match.The first shot shows a basic design and the second shows what it will look like when the art has been fleshed out. This is looming toward the Dawn side of the map.
One of the great things about Paragon which sets it apart from other MOBAs is the vertical gameplay. Epic realise that on the current Legacy map, some of the areas are a little too high. Epic are working on how they can make the most of the map’s vertical areas that will benefit all heroes. The shot below shows some art from the Monolith map with raised areas.
The new Monolith map appears to he shaping up well and hopefully it won’t be too long until we go hands-on.
Published: Oct 28, 2016 8:36 PM UTC