Yesterday there were many funny jokes and fake news articles in honor of April Fools. They ranged from the famous Youtuber Boogie2988 uploading a video that claimed he’d been allowed to play the first 30 minutes of Half -Life 3, but in reality was just a video of him eating celery for 30 minutes, to the reports that there would be DLC for an Optimus Prime Mech in Titanfall. All of these were funny and expected by gamers but it seems some folks at EA went a bit far with their prank.
Some people at EA started sending Tweets from the Frostbite engine’s official account that made fun of Nintendo’s Wii U for being underpowered. The Tweetshave since been deleted but here are some of them:
“Good news, we have finally fixed and optimized our ‘netcode’. Uses quantum entanglement for Zero Latency connections. Exclusively on #WiiU.”
“Frostbite will power #HalfLife 3, coming out summer 2014! #WiiU exclusive.”
“Frostbite now runs on the #WiiU since it is the most powerful Gen4 platform, our renderer is now optomized for Mario and Zelda.”
It seems these jokes were not appreciated by the big wigs at EA and EA’s Chief Operating Officer Peter Moore apologized from his personal Twitter account, calling them “unacceptable” and “stupid.”
EA has once again been nominated for Consumerists “Worst Company in America” award and after making history by winning it twice in a row, EA said it never wants the award again. This certainly wont help their cause.
Source: IGN
Published: Apr 2, 2014 8:21 PM UTC