Being able to fast travel in Dying Light 2 won’t be possible at the start, but you’ll unlock it eventually. As for safe zones, these tend to dot the landscape. The most common factor is that these will always have UV lamps, staving off Aiden’s infection and scaring away infected when it’s nighttime. Here’s our Dying Light 2 guide to help you with Metro Station fast travel locations, Nightrunner Hideouts, and other safe zones.
Note: For more information, check out our Dying Light 2 guides and features hub.
Dying Light 2 safe zones and fast travel guide – Nightrunner Hideouts and Metro Stations
Types of safe zones
Nightrunner Hideouts are the most common safe zone in Dying Light 2. You’ll find these on rooftops or inside abandoned buses. They’d normally have a player stash (which is somewhat useless), and a bed (so you heal up or switch between daytime and nighttime). However, before you can use these fixtures, you’ll need to activate the nearby generator by mashing the “F” key. Once that’s done, the UV lamp will be powered up. This spot will also act as a spawn point in case you die in a nearby location.
Note: Other types of safe zones include windmills (since they’d be controlled by a faction once you power them up), and infrastructure facilities (once they’ve been assigned to a faction). There are also regular bases that belong to a faction by default, as well as bandit camps that you’ve cleared.
Unlocking fast travel in Dying Light 2
To be clear, though, fast travel in Dying Light 2 is only possible from one Metro Station to another. This mechanic is unlocked at the start of A Place To Call Home, a main story mission that occurs once you’ve reached the Central Loop (i.e., the halfway point of the game). This mission gives you access to Metro: Downtown Court in the Downtown district. It will also unlock the Main Terminal Station (Quarry End), which you’ve been to before. Moreover, the PK Floating Fortress (The Wharf) and Holy Trinity (near The Bazaar) will become available later in the campaign.
Apart from the four examples I mentioned, you can find seven additional Metro Stations or fast travel points in Dying Light 2. The difference is that you need to put in more effort to make the rest available for use.
Before you head over to those other subways, there are some key mechanics to consider:
- These locations are populated by either Renegade bandits or undead zombies. If you’re facing the latter, you have to enter when it’s nighttime as it’s a Dark Zone. That means there will be a lot of infected during the day, but most of them will be dozing off at night.
- In the subway area, you can either eliminate hostiles or sneak around to avoid them. Your goal is to reach the door that leads to the power room and open it with a lockpick.
- Flip the switch, and you’d be tasked with jumping down the elevator shaft that leads to the basement.
Note: It’s possible for a Metro Station to get its power activated just by flipping the switch. But, this is a fairly rare occurrence. Most of the time, you’ll need to find the other generators (as detailed below).
Once you’re in the basement, you’ll notice that the floor is covered in chemicals. Try to avoid wading at ground level or your character’s immunity will drop.
The goal now is to find the generator switches and interact with them (there are around four to five per location). Simply check your screen for the circular icons, and use your parkour skills to traverse the area.
When that’s done, go back to the elevator and ride it back to the terminal. You can then flip the switch to turn that place into a fast travel point in Dying Light 2.
Inhibitors in Metro Stations
Before you activate the switch, you’re warned that all the loot in the vicinity will disappear. However, you’ll always find at least one Inhibitor waiting for you in your newly-furnished safe zone/sleeping area. These Inhibitors are used to upgrade your health or stamina, so you can obtain better combat skills and parkour skills.
“Tickets, Please” achievement
One last thing, there’s an achievement called “Tickets, Please,” which requires you to use a Metro Station to fast travel in Dying Light 2. Simply opening the world map won’t do. Instead, you should teleport to any subway and, upon spawning, you’ll find a map of the transit system. Press “F” to interact with it, then select a different subway terminal and hold “F” to travel there. This will net you the achievement.
Dying Light 2 is available via Steam. For more information, check out our guides and features hub.
Published: Feb 3, 2022 3:25 AM UTC