Game Equals Life has officially announced their first project, The Magi and the Sleeping Star, a health education game aimed at adolescents and adults with type 1 diabetes.
MSS will teach players how to better manage their condition through interactive gameplay and story-telling, according to the developers. It is a 3rd person action adventure game that sends players on a quest during which healthy blood sugar must be maintained in order to achieve success. When the avatar’s blood sugar is too high or low, his powers are reduced, which makes it impossible for the player to achieve victory until the blood sugar returns to a healthy level. When blood sugar is kept at ideal levels the player is rewarded with extra powers.
“The illness isn’t the focus in The Magi and The Sleeping Star. The game is about a hero who must battle armies of robots and giant monsters in order to save his world. But since this hero happens to have type 1 diabetes, players must learn to manage the disease in order to be successful,” said Adam Grantham, President of Game Equals Life and Creative Director of MSS. “With MSS we’re using the incredible teaching power of play to illustrate that life with type 1 diabetes doesn’t have to center around the disease and that good blood sugar management is the key to living a free and healthy life. As someone who’s lived with type 1 diabetes for over 15 years, I’m very excited to be working on such an innovative and positive new game.”
Read more about the game at the official website.
Published: Apr 22, 2009 10:12 am