If you’ve been following our Destiny 2 guides, you’ll have heard of the Moments of Triumph that have become available earlier this July. There are 24 requirements but only 22 were available at the time. Well, the last two are now here thanks to the Solstice of Heroes event, and you can finally acquire the MMXIX title.
Don’t forget that the Solstice of Heroes event only runs from July 30 to August 27. Better get started on the grind or you’ll miss out on the MMXIX title.
MMXIX Title: Grinding for Solstice purples
For the 22 Moments of Triumph requirements, you’ll have to do quite a number of activities, from completing various Destiny 2 raids, fully upgrading the Chalice of Opulence, running several strikes, completing Black Armory weapon frames, and more.
We’ve outlined these steps in a previous article here and you’ll find the requirements when you look at your Triumphs -> Seals -> MMXIX. As for the last two requirements, well, they’ve been added now that Destiny 2‘s Solstice of Heroes event is live.
Obtain a set of Majestic Solstice armor – This requires you to complete the Drained and Renewed Solstice armor sets. Once done, you’ll have to meditate at the Solstice statue to gain the Majestic set. Check out our guides related to Destiny 2‘s Solstice of Heroes event as well as the respective armor progression for each class:
Masterwork a piece of Solstice armor – Once you’ve obtained the Majestic armor set, simply pick any piece that you’d want to complete the requirements for. Here are the requirements to attain a masterworked version for each gear piece:
- Helmet – Complete a Prestige Nightfall with a score of 200,000 or better.
- Gloves – Vanguard playlist strikes with clanmates.
- Chest – Complete “Shattered Throne” with less than three players.
- Boots – Reset your Season 7 Valor ranking in the Crucible.
- Cloak/Mark/Bond – Defeat challenging combatants throughout the system.
Masterwork those pieces
All of these requirements are similar for all three classes in Destiny 2. They’re all fairly easy to obtain as well. Here are some tips:
- Nightfall – Just crank up the handicap to near the maximum. Pick modifiers like Match Game, Grounded, and Blackout to increase the multiplier. Nightfalls have power level requirement of 540 PL so you can have a 200 PL handicap. If you’ve been following our Destiny 2 leveling guide and you’ve been grinding a bit, then you should be around 750 PL by now.
- Vanguard playlist strikes – Just farm these with your clanmates. Actually, finding clanmates is the hard part, haha.
- Shattered Throne – Fairly easy to do as well with only 1-2 players. Check out our Shattered Throne guide here.
- Valor reset in the Crucible – This is retroactive just like last year. If you’ve reset your Valor rank at least once this season, all you need to do is queue for a Crucible match with the Majestic boots equipped. When matchmaking starts, you’ll get the masterwork requirement done.
- Class items/major enemies – All you need to do is kill some bosses from strikes, raids, the Menagerie, or the EAZ.
Don’t forget to have that particular Solstice armor equipped while doing these activities to gain progression. Oh, and if you’ve got these pieces masterworked, then don’t worry about them becoming obsolete. Once Destiny 2: Shadowkeep rolls around this September, you can get their “Armor 2.0” versions from Banshee.
Enjoy your brand new MMXIX title, Guardian!
For more Destiny 2 Solstice of Heroes guides, check out our hub right over here. For everything else about Destiny 2‘s Season of Opulence, head over here as well.
Published: Jul 31, 2019 3:23 AM UTC