Destiny 2 Grasp of Avarice dungeon guide – Riding your Sparrow and defusing mines
Past the Hive gunk factory, you’ll find a couple of switches. The one on the right has a nasty surprise, but pressing the one on the left opens the hangar door. This is a transition zone in Destiny 2‘s Grasp of Avarice dungeon where you’ll use your Sparrow and defuse mines.
Once you exit the hangar, the timer will count down immediately. You only have a few seconds to get there.
Note: As usual, failure to defuse a mine will cause a wipe and you’d have to restart from the beginning of this zone.
Thankfully, the four areas with mines all have at least two devices that you can pass through. This will extend your timer by a couple of seconds.
As for the mines themselves, you only need to pass through them while on your Sparrow to automatically defuse (you don’t need to wait until the process is done). In a way, this part is akin to the Sparrow section in the Scourge of the Past raid, as even the devices look like the ones that you’ve seen there.
The final section has a couple of launchers that let you cross the gap (pick the left one). You should then be able to defuse the last mine and clear this zone. Lastly, there’s another Wilhelm-7 Recording at a lower ledge to your left when facing the “skull cave.”
In any case, it’s time to advance further past the crystalline formations. Eventually, you’ll reach the Fallen Shield encounter. Let’s discuss that in the next part of our Destiny 2 Grasp of Avarice dungeon guide.
Destiny 2: Season of the Lost is available via Steam. For more information, check out our guides and features hub.
Published: Dec 10, 2021 6:50 AM UTC