Crown of Sorrow, the big raid for Destiny 2: Penumbra or the Season of Opulence is finally here. It’s already been beaten by several pro players, and you too can have your shot. It’s going to be a hectic experience if you’re not ready to take down Gahlran, the final boss of this raid. That’s why we have this guide to help you out. We’ve split up this guide into sections for each of the encounters. The final encounter against Gahlran, the Sorrow-Bearer, is also split up into two parts depending on the strategy you want to try out.
The Crown of Sorrow raid will have enemies at 720 to 740 power level. This Destiny 2 raid won’t have a heroic mode but you’d want to come prepared. If you still need to boost your PL, feel free to check out our leveling guide. You can also check out all our other features and guides in our Destiny 2 Season of Opulence hub.
Let’s check out Destiny 2’s Crown of Sorrow encounters, eh?
- Encounter 1: Witch’s Ritual/Entrance
- Encounter 2: The Bridge/Chasm
- Encounter 3: Gahlran’s Deception
- Encounter 4: Gahlran, The Sorrow-Bearer (Stacked Strategy)
- Encounter 4: Gahlran, The Sorrow-Bearer (Split Strategy)
- Cheese Mode: How to Cheese Gahlran Phase 1 and Phase 2
Note 1: Although a bit outdated, Destiny 2’s year 1 Leviathan raid armor will still work for Crown of Sorrow. Take these out of your collections tab in case you need their perks. However, the new Crown of Sorrow raid armor set (seen above) will also let you use newly added mods in Destiny 2 if you do get them as rewards.
Note 2: Bungie has tweaked the Crown of Sorrow raid rewards a bit as well. Compared to previous raids in Destiny 2, Crown of Sorrow encounters can give you double drops if you’re lucky. A curated item roll (fully masterworked) is separate from the actual loot that you receive, and both are powerful drops as well.
Published: Jun 8, 2019 6:42 AM UTC