The Dead Space remake is finally releasing in just a few weeks. And there’s currently a sweet deal for players who pre-order the game on Steam before its launch on January 27. These players will receive a free copy of the sequel alongside the Dead Space remake. That means that you’ll be able to continue Isaac Clarke’s storyline immediately after beating the first game. It’s quite a nice treat, especially since Dead Space 2 is often regarded as the best game in the franchise.
It does bring up some interesting questions for the future of Dead Space, though. If the Dead Space remake sells and performs well with fans, then it stands to reason that its sequel would get the remake treatment too. Perhaps giving Dead Space 2 away for free is the best option to get new players to experience the original version of the sequel. And then these players can better appreciate the changes that a Dead Space 2 remake would bring. Of course, that’s looking pretty far into the future.
What’s more interesting is the potential for games after Dead Space 2. The third entry in the franchise is infamous for taking the series down in a different direction. And if EA wanted to increase the longevity of the franchise, Dead Space 3 would need the most work. Of course, it all depends on where EA and Motive want to take things from here.
The future of Dead Space
Right now, the focus is on the upcoming Dead Space remake. And players who haven’t experienced the original or its sequel now get the chance to try out both. We still have a couple of weeks to go, though. In the meantime, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to check out The Callisto Protocol. Glen Schoefield directed both the original Dead Space and last month’s horror release. So it’s essentially a spiritual successor to Isaac Clarke’s adventures. It’s not perfect by any means, but if you’re a longtime Dead Space fan, it may be worth trying.
Published: Jan 9, 2023 6:45 PM UTC