The Crossbow is a new weapon you can find in the first Dead Island 2 DLC, Haus. It’s a weapon that lets you stealthily take out zombies and it can be really helpful for picking a few enemies off before the real fight starts.
There are plenty of weapons to choose from in Dead Island 2 ranging from firearms to sledgehammers, so a simple Crossbow might not seem that exciting at first. Once you get your hands on it, however, you’ll learn that it’s actually one of the best weapons in the game.
How to Get a Crossbow in Dead Island 2
Unlike most other weapons in Dead Island 2, the Crossbow does not drop as loot until you reach a certain part of the main questline in Haus. You actually won’t get the Crossbow until you’ve completed the first main chunk of Haus, which makes sense since you can use it to unlock some new rooms when you backtrack to older areas.
How to Get the K-Prototype and K-Rossbow
Keep playing through Haus until you have the objective to Find the Mysterious Well during The Invitation quest. This part of the quest takes you into the weird fake forest that the death cult has made. Before you can get to the well, you’ll need to light two pyres and maim zombies inside an arena. But then, you’ll be able to get to the well properly.
From here, all you need to do is jump in and the Crossbow will be right at your feet. This specific Crossbow is called the K-Prototype. From this point onwards, you should start seeing other Crossbows drop from zombies and chests. Plus, when you finish the main quest line for Haus, you’ll get a fancy Crossbow called the K-Rossbow that’ll outclass any others you’ll find.
The Best Ways to Use the Crossbow
This is a weapon that functions a little differently from any other in Dead Island 2. If you think about most of the zombie-killing tools in the game, you’ll know that they’re all about carnage. The Crossbow is different in that it’s a weapon that requires a little more finesse and patience due to the slow reload speed and low ammo count. It can deal a ton of damage on a headshot, but if you’re in a tense fight, it might not be the best thing to take in with you.
So, the best way to use the Crossbow is before a fight even begins. Use the scope to your advantage to pick off zombies from a distance. And if you get good at dialing in those headshots, don’t be afraid to swap it in against a tough fight with a Crusher to deal some good damage. Just be careful as it does take some getting used to.
Precise aiming isn’t what most Dead Island 2 players are used to since, but your patience will be rewarded if you take the time to master the Crossbow and learn to take advantage of its massive damage to critical spots. It may not be your main weapon in Dead Island 2, but it’s a good idea to have one on hand just in case.
Published: May 15, 2024 7:13 PM UTC