Your character in Curse of the Dead Gods starts his adventure armed only with a generic sword and pistol. These are, probably, not your idea of powerful gear considering all the baddies in the game. Still, in Curse of the Dead Gods, you’ll be able to unlock Weapon Altars and Divine Favors to help plan your runs. Here’s our guide to help you out.
Note: For more information, check out our Curse of the Dead Gods guides and features hub.
Curse of the Dead Gods guide: Unlocking Weapon Altars and Divine Favors
Much like blessings and perks, you have to acquire a lot of crystal skulls if you wish to unlock Weapon Altars and Divine Favors in Curse of the Dead Gods. Thankfully, the resource is dropped by mobs (rarely) and boss-type enemies like champions and avatars (guaranteed).
Similar to other action roguelike titles, this game has you redoing runs over and over, trying lengthier expeditions and whatnot, until you can amass the necessary amount of crystal skulls. Don’t forget that the costs also increase depending on the level of the feature that you’re unlocking. So, how do these things function?
Weapon Altars in Curse of the Dead Gods
- Restored Altars – Each one adds a new weapon altar at the hub. You’ll have more weapons to choose from before starting your run. I suggest having at least a couple of these available to give you more options.
- Main Weapons, Secondary Weapons, and Two-Handed Weapons – These increase the quality of starting weapons that are present in those altars. In the case of the Two-Handed Weapons upgrades, the first one guarantees that these types of gear pieces are already included in the altars since, by default, you’ll only spot them while exploring Curse of the Dead Gods‘ temples.
Note 1: After upgrading to level five, these altars provide a chance that specific weapon types have improvements at the start of your run. These are the boosts: +75% chance to have a special ability, +50% chance of being rare, +25% chance of being very rare, and +10% chance of being cursed.
Note 2: Some levels are locked depending on the blood emblems you acquire. These basically just denote how many unique temples you’ve completed. Upon completing tier 2 of each temple, you should be able to obtain the upgrades if you have the crystal skulls.
Divine Favor in Curse of the Dead Gods
Divine Favor is Curse of the Dead Gods‘ reroll mechanic. When you enter rooms with relics or weapons as possible rewards, you’re able to click the “use favor” option to see a new selection.
The number of Divine Favors you have is retained after each run, too. As such, try to have several of these to fine-tune your build.
Curse of the Dead Gods is available via Steam. For more information, check out our guides and features hub.
Published: Feb 23, 2021 5:15 PM UTC