The future of the Timesplitters series is something that fans often question, yet rarely get a proper response, mostly because that future is undecided.
In an interview with CVG, Cevat Yerli said that the team isn’t currently working on Timesplitters 4, and that it would not be a retail release either.
He said:
”I wish we were working on it, I will say that. I think hopes are high, but change has to happen in the platform space. I’m very excited potentially about the idea of a TimeSplitters for G-Face.”
“We don’t know how big the fan community is, unfortunately.”
“The thing with TimeSplitters is, if we made a sequel to TimeSplitters, nobody would accept this apart from some fans, and we don’t know how big the fan community is, unfortunately. And we don’t want to design this as a packaged goods game that launches on a console, and even if we wanted to I don’t think publishers would like the idea. That is the truth, and that was the truth even before we bought Free Radical.”
Free Radical are the orignal Developers of Timesplitters, and Crytek obtained them back in February 2009. And even though fans are eagerly anticipating a 4th entry in the franchise, Yerli says the lack industry demand is the reason there has been no progress.
He explained:
“The concept behind TimeSplitters was pitched around before we took over and Free Radical had no luck. We think even on CryEngine and with Crytek behind it there would be fundamental issues with the concept.”“I love the idea, and I wish we’ll work on it, but currently we are not working on it.”
It’s also unlikely for a Kickstarter project to be of any assistance, the team has considered it, but felt it would be inappropriate to rely on outside funding given the size of the studio.
Yerli admitted:
“I’ve been asked this question internally and I said, ‘how can we do a kickstarter? It wouldn’t feel right.’ I suppose if someone really, really wanted to…”
“I guess the other issue is this; the reality also is we’re quite a large company, but also we have capacity limits and we don’t want to hire 15 people just to do this game. Kickstarter is a concept we thought about seriously… we’ll see. Time will tell.”
Published: Jun 14, 2012 07:55 pm