The latest in AMD’s series of ‘Crimson’ drivers, 16.2, is now available from the company’s site. It looks like this release has performance improvements for Rise of the Tomb Raider, and resolves some issues with Fallout 4.
This release should also give you the best possible DirectX 12 performance in the Ashes of the Singularity benchmark (if you happen to own that Early Access title).
Sadly, the ‘downclocking’ problem exhibited by some AMD cards running Crimson still hasn’t been dealt with. At least, I assume that’s what “Core clocks may not maintain sustained clock speeds resulting in choppy performance and or screen corruption” means under Known Issues.
According to an AMD representative posting on reddit: “This particular issue has a lot of attention internally and we are completely aware of the impact this has on you guys. I’m not on the driver team so while I’m not working on the issue itself, you can be very assured that major pain points like this are raised. I don’t have an ETA but the issue has been debugged so the engineers have discovered the root cause.” That sounds like it’s being taken seriously.
On another, brighter note, the old “A black screen/TDR error may be encountered when booting a system with Intel + AMD graphics and an HDMI monitor connected” bug is now listed as Resolved.
Published: Feb 24, 2016 09:41 pm