When the invite came through to pay EA Pacific a visit to check out what is probably the next big game in RTS titles, we were chomping at the bit to get some hands-on tune with C&C Generals. It was a long trip from the UK for myself but for something as exciting as a new C&C product, a trip half way around the world for three days seemed more than worth it.Early start on the Wednesday morning to catch the flight and after 10 and half hours flying I finally touched down in San Francisco. No rest for this weary journo though, after dropping off the bags it was straight back out to get acquainted with the development team over dinner. There was much excitement at the prospect of showing C&C Generals’ multiplayer to the press and the key players were all in attendance including Westwood’s PR rep for the event, Amy Farris, Producer Harvard Bonin and Westwood’s community relations guru Chris Rubyor. Dinner was Hoovered up at a local eatery and the drinks flowed freely, possibly too freely. 😉 Much amusement was had as a local drunk made a spectacle of himself at the bar; fortunately the poor guy was dragged from the premises by his friends before the poor fool passed out. Luckily the Generals group was still compos mentos so after dinner and laughing at the poor guy at the bar, it was time to check out some of the local watering holes.Who stole my Pint?After frequenting a few different bars and staying in each for about 10 minutes at a time, PCGameworld’s Michael Askounes and myself were downing the drinks like no tomorrow, trying to finish each beer before the limo pulled away with the rest of the crew. The powers that be decided it was time to head back to the hotel so we all piled into the limo slightly more lubricated than we were when we got out of it a few hours before.Time to crank up the music using the StarTrek-like limo radio control panel, wind open the sun roof and head down the freeway to the sound of ACDC’s h**’s Bells. Not quite convinced enough drink was consumed, the hotel bar looked too inviting and we a*umed our positions in some rather comfy chairs to get stewed. The development team have been working on the game non-stop and this was the first time they’ve had a break from the game for a while, something that was most evident as Harvard Bonin’s eyes were starting to roll. Harvard took a shine to other people’s drinks, two of which were mine, so biting the bullet and feeling sorry for the guy we all thought he should have his very own drink, which was duly purchased and placed in his hand, much to his delight. It was a good way to stop him singing anyway. 😉 2AM arrived and it was time to hit the hay, a little worse for wear I might add.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Apr 21, 2008 04:30 pm