A post on Charlie Brooker’s Twitter last night makes mention of “Gameswipe,” implying that a similarly-titled show may be in the works.Brooker’s Twitter, updated late last night, reads: “Worst videogame bosses ever? Email yr suggestions to gameswipe at zeppotron dot com. Make what you will of that email address,” which certainly implies that Charlie Brooker’s Gameswipe may be in production.Charlie Brooker, best known these days for his column in the Guardian in addition to his wildly popular Screenwipe and Newswipe TV shows, was once a games journalist working for PC Zone, so a show on videogames is certainly possible.Could Brooker be returning to his games journo roots and bringing a decent games-based show to our sets? We’ve contacted relevant parties for more information and will update you when we learn more.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: May 7, 2009 02:11 pm