The next iteration in the Devil May Cry franchise, which has been dubbed, DmC, has a release date set in stone after a lengthy development process. The date however, isn’t going to be as soon as some would have expected. The game is set to release on January 15th on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, with a PC release following later in 2013.
The game is being developed by Ninja Theory, Developers of both Heavenly Sword and Enslaved, in collaboration with Capcom. The game will follow the ever confident protagonist, Dante, but this time it will be a younger Dante. It intends to stick by the gameplay staples of fast paced and intense combat, while also adding a more brutal touch to the game.
Anyone who may be eager for more on DmC can expect to see plenty of it from E3, since the game is one of the featured titles planned for Capcom’s E3 booth.
Published: May 22, 2012 01:29 pm