Quickly unlocking everything is a staple in Call of Duty, and that’s no different in Modern Warfare 3. There are new perks, killstreaks, weapons, and equipment to enjoy, but the only way to get them all is by leveling up fast. Here is how to level up fast in MW3.
Related: What weapons, perks, and equipment unlock at each level? MW3 Beta progression guide
How to grind XP fast in MW3
If you want to get XP fast in MW3 so you can level up and unlock everything, then you need to know the best tips and tricks to grinding XP.
Win matches and get kills
First, play matches. I know that sounds kind of obvious, but the more matches you play, the more XP you’ll earn. Winning matches gets you more XP, so focus on that.
And, while you’re focusing on trying to win, you’ll rack up kills. The more kills you get, the more XP you get. Using the best killstreaks definitely doesn’t hurt when trying to grind XP in MW3, either.
The best game modes I’ve found for grinding XP is anything in the Mosh Pit playlist. Domination is my favorite because you can earn even more XP while killing enemies if you’re also focusing on capturing objectives, which in turn, often results in you winning.
I would avoid Ground War because, although it’s really fun, the games are long, which results in less XP from completing and/or winning matches. If you want to earn your XP just by having fun and getting kills, then Ground War is the way to go.
Complete Daily Challenges

A really easy way to get XP in MW3 is by completing Daily Challenges. These are found in the top left corner of the MW3 lobby.
Daily Challenges give you 2,500 XP which isn’t a small amount, especially when you’re at a lower level. Every level in MW3 increases the required XP by 500 XP, so 2,500 XP becomes less and less impactful, but still, 7,500 XP daily (because there are three Daily Challenges every day) is nice to get.
The MW3 Daily Challenges aren’t that hard to complete. Usually, they are tasks like “get two hip fire kills” or “get five kills with pistols.” Especially if you take one or two matches a day to focus on the Daily Challenges, you’ll earn your extra 7,500 XP, no problem.
Those are really the three key tips and tricks to level up fast in MW3. Win matches (which you can do more successfully if you play with friends), get kills, and complete the Daily Challenges. How you go about doing all of those things is where MW3 gets fun. Good luck!
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Published: Oct 7, 2023 12:45 AM UTC